Chapter 3 I'm Looking Through You

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John's POV


I was running in a tunnel towards a light. It was pitch black, but I could see a small light right in front of me. All of a sudden, the light disapeared, and I was falling. It was a scary feeling. The dream changed into a wedding. It was my wedding. In front of me was my wife-to-be. She wore a veil so I couldn't see her face. 'You may now kiss the bride.' said the paster who looked a lot like my uncle George. I lifted the girl's veil, and only got a glimpse of her face, before I was shaken awake.




"Ugh, I'm awake." I said, opening my eyes halfway.

"You were screaming." Paul said, concerned.

"I was?" I asked, worried I had said something in my sleep that I didn't want Paul to know about.

"Yeah." He said, smirking.

"Are you alright?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah." I lied. I really wasn't alright. I was falling too hard for a girl I didn't even know that well. A girl that I had just dreamed being my wife. Prudence.

Prudence's POV

Pattie, Jane and I returned from our walk. George ran over to us almost as soon as we stepped onto the campground.

"Where were you guys?" He asked, concerned.

"We went on a walk, why?" Pattie asked, walking towards him.

He put his arm around her waist. "I missed you." He said, pulling her in to kiss her.

Jane looked at them with longing eyes, while I just kind of stood there awkwardly, looking around for something to distract me.

They broke off and just stared into eachothers eyes with pure lust, completely forgetting that Jane and I were still there.

I coughed a bit just so that they realized we were there.

"Oh... uh... sorry!" George said, embarassed.

"The van's here!" I heard Paul yell. "John poked his head out of his tent almost immediatly and George spun around to look at the entrance.

There was indeed, a large white van parked there with a tired looking man standing next to it, beads of sweat dripping from his face.

Ringo ran out of nowhere towards the van, followed by George, Paul, and John. They all giggled and let out screams of pleasure as they ran to the van. They looked like four little children on christmas day.

"Prudence. Prudence." I heard Pattie say. I didn't realize that I had been staring.

"Sorry... but why are they so excited?" I asked, genuinly curious.

"Who knows? I mean it's just their guitars and stuff, but you know they are overly attatched to them. Sometimes I even feel like Paul loves his guitar and bass more than he loves me." Jane said, a bit sarcastically.

"They play guitar?" I asked, feeling a bit stupid.

"Yeah, everyone but Ringo, he's the drummer." Pattie said with a smile.

"Are they any good?" I asked, feeling embarrassed to know so little about them.

"Well they kind of have to be, I mean, they are world famous and all." Jane said, calmly.

"World famous?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, they're the Beatles."

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