A Green Tint?

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     Once they got off the monorail and to the front of the line for Bag Check and Ticket Center, Finn, Philby, Willa, Maybeck, Charlene, Jess, and Amanda muttered the words "To Infinity and Beyond" to their ticket collector and was told to go to the tunnel under the Cinderella Castle and find a cast member. That cast member will take them to the underground offices of the DKI.

(Time skip to entering the DKI offices)

"Woah," The group gasped.
"This place is huge!" Jess exclaimed.
"Yeah," The others agreed.

Willa was quiet again. Odd because she would have been expected to be the most excited about this. Like Finn, She loves adventure and feels like she can't get enough of it.
Finn nudged her, "Willa what's wrong? You're not acting like yourself."

She shook her head and pointed to a big, gaping wall on the far side of the room. "How long do you think that's been there?" She asked.
Finn shrugged, "Not sure. Never been here before, remember?"
Willa elbowed him in the side, "Shut up, idiot."
"Love ya!" He joked. Then, noting the concern she still carried, he added, "But, if it makes you feel better, when we meet with whoever it is we're meeting with, we can ask. Okay?"

She nodded and walked towards Charlene. Those two are like sisters. Great friends. Finn knows that if there is something bugging Willa, she would talk to either he or Charlene... or Philby. "Let's hope she does," Finn thought, " 'Cause there is something bothering her, and I will get to the bottom of it. Her skin looks... Green? No it couldn't be. Could it? You know... Maybe she's just sick. It's possible. I hope I'm right..."

"Hey Philby." Finn said to the British redheaded boy.
"Hullo Finn. Is everything ok?"
"I'm not sure, is it just me, or does Willa look a little..."
"A little what, Finn?"
"Green." Finn said, turning to look at Philby.
"What do you mean?" Philby asked.
"Look at her skin, it has a green tint to it."
Philby squinted his eyes and took a long look at the girl but didn't see anything unusual about her skin.
"Finn, are you feeling ok? I don't see anything wrong."
"Maybe it was just the lighting that we passed under." Finn concluded out loud.
"Perhaps." Philby said.

|| HAI THERE, Locker_Amanda here doing the Authors' Note! So, a new chappie finally for you all! Hope you enjoy it and you'll hear from us soon!

Locker_Amanda and Magis213 ||

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