Finding Out

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Finn's little sister, Maggie, woke up the next morning to a quite and somewhat eerie feeling, as if she had missed something terrible.

     "Where's Finn? He's usually making breakfast and singing some Disney song by now," She thought. "He doesn't usually oversleep, unless he's sick." She climbed out of bed, and made her way across the hall to look to see if Finn was still sleeping.

An empty bed, with Toy Story covers halfway off the bed, greeted her.

     "Finn, where are you? If this is a game, then it's not funny!" She called into the empty house, as she made her way down the stairs to the kitchen.

Three steps from the bottom, she stopped. The kitchen was a mess! Things that should have been in the cabinets and on the counter were strewn across the floor, pots and pans that were hanging from the ceiling were in a pile on the counter. It looked like a robbery had taken place, and she slept through it all.

When making her way through the kitchen, she noticed a piece of paper on the ground in the midst of everything else that was on the floor.

Without reading it, she immediately dropped the paper, ran up to Finn's room, grabbed his cell (which stupidly didn't have a password) and called Philby, Maybeck, Willa (which went to voicemail), Charlene, Amanda and Jess. They said they would be over within the next ten minutes, with the exception of Willa.

Ten minutes later, Philby, Maybeck, and Charlene were on her front porch.

       "Amanda and Jess couldn't leave until they've finished Nash's chores. They'll be here soon, don't worry." Charlene told Maggie.

No sooner than did Charlene say that, did the two sisters run through the door.

       "Sorry about that. It's always Nash." Amanda apologized, sitting down on the couch with the others.

       "Now, do you know what happened? Why Finn is gone I mean?" Philby asked.

       "No, not really, but I did find something on the floor in the kitchen. Let me go get it." Maggie replied, and went into the kitchen. Different noises could be heard from the living room where the five were sitting.

       "Umm... I'm gonna go help her!" Charlene volunteered, getting up off the couch.

       "Wow, it's a mess in here!" she exclaimed. That's when the others got up off the couch. They went to the kitchen, and just kinda stared at the mess before them.

       "Maggie, it's a crime scene," Maybeck said, while bending down and picking something up, and holding it by the very tip of something very shiny. "Do you know what this is?" He asked her.

       "I don't. I didn't even notice it when I was walking in here earlier." She replied. Her eyes were wide.

       "You're lucky you didn't step on it. It's still open. Does anyone know what this is?" he asked.

There were shaken heads. So he continued saying "It's a switchblade."

       "What are you saying? That Finn was threatened?" Maggie asked, tears filling her eyes and her voice shaky.

"In a way yes, but he didn't go willingly obviously." Maybeck acknowledged.

     "Thank you, Captain Obvious, for the 'he obviously didn't go willingly' part." Charlene retorted.

    "Did you find the letter yet?" Jess asked.

Maggie, bent down and picked up a piece of paper. "I just did," she said. Then a small rumbling sound was heard. "Sorry, I hadn't eaten yet. I was too worried about to Finn to eat." she mumbled, a little embarrassed.

    "That's ok, Jess and I will make you breakfast." Charlene offered, and Jess nodded.

    "I'll help you clean up this mess." Maggie volunteered, as she started to pick up a few pans that were right by her feet.

    "That's ok, we can do that. Go see what the letter says." Jess ordered, as she shooed Maggie out of the kitchen.

     "I...I can't read this. I'm scared. Can you please read this Amanda?" the letter was shoved into her hands.

    "The letter says, 'Hello Amanda Lockhart, Maggie Whitman, Dell Philby, and Terry Maybeck. Yes, we knew who would be reading this letter and who would be making breakfast for the child. As you all should know by now, Finn Whitman has been taken and you would like to know by whom, why, and how. He was taken by force, we need him for... special... recruitment. Look around you, who was missing when you first arrived,"

    "Willa!" Philby half yelled.

    "Yes, Philby, you are correct, somewhat. Your Willa would never do such a thing, OUR Willa would! You see, we've changed her and trained her in a way, even Philby wouldn't understand. Now, you're probably wondering who we are. Well, we are the Overtakers. We want to take over the galaxy and universe. Your breakfast is finished being cooked, Ms. Whitman. We should see you soon, for when we return for another?" Amanda finished. Then a timer went off in the kitchen.

    "I knew Willa looked different. She had a tint of green in her skin. Finn and I noticed it when we were going to- er, well, Finn noticed... but he told me... anyway, he noticed when we had gone to the whole DKI thing. I didn't exactly believe him, I'm such an idiot!" Philby groaned.
Maybeck rested a hand on his friends shoulder, feeling pity towards the younger boy. "It's not your fault, bro. If one of us noticed, we all should have. We can't- we won't single anyone out for what happened. It's not one persons fault and it never will be. Got it?"
Philby nodded, but it still seemed like he still blamed himself for what had happened.

"We heard everything. What are we going to do now?" Charlene asked, setting down a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast down in front of Maggie. "We just lost two of our friends."

"We need to go back." Amanda said.

"That's a great idea, but what do we tell her and them?" Philby said pointing to Maggie.

"Tell me what?" Maggie asked.

"Well, Finn, Amanda, Jess, Charlene, Willa, Maybeck, and I were chosen by a top secret agency in Disney, called the DKI, to help protect the world from the Overtakers, the group who wrote the letter. They abducted Willa, before we even knew what was going on. The same may happen to Finn, or something worse could happen to him. We don't know. What we need to do now, is pay them a visit." Philby answered.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Maggie exclaimed.

"Not until you get out of your pajamas," Charlene smirked. "As soon as you're upstairs, we're going to go back to our homes and change. Dress as if you're a spy, cause that's basically what the DKI is. A spy agency."

"Ok." Maggie nodded, and with that she ran upstairs, and the others went to their homes to change.

Hi my children. So how is everyone? That's cool. Anyway, I did hardly anything this chapter. You're welcome. No but seriously, it was mainly Locker who did this chappie cause guess who had to make sure they didn't cry because of fireworks! I did! I hate them. And a bunch of other stuff so yeah. Hope ya enjoy!!!!!!!!!

Bai peaches!

Love Locker and Magis ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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