Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

When I open my eyes in the morning, my eyelashes are sticky, and my body feels stiff and damp. I patted my hand on my sleeping bag and find that it too, is quite damp. I peered up and through the thin tent canvas I can barely see faint rays of sunlight straining to break through the chill.

I look over my shoulder back at my pillow and how nice it would be if I could just put my head back on it and maybe sleep for just a few more minutes...I shake my head and force myself out of my sleeping bag. As slowly as possible, so that I can savour the early moments of the morning, I pull on a fresh pair of jeans and pull a warm cotton shirt over my arms and button it. Then I zip up my sweater, deciding to leave my heavy jacket behind for now. I put on extra thick socks, and grunt in frustration as I struggle to pull my boots over my socks.

Too my surprise when I unzip the tent, my hands clad in thick gloves, I find that the ground was covered in a layer of white snow. Not yet walked on, it gives off a surreal illusion. The shadows from looming trees looked elegant when cast upon the delicate snow. Icicles, barely formed, layered the branches.

After a quick look around the site, it becomes evident that neither Alyssa or Ryan have woken up. Yeah, I snorted, either that or they're too damn lazy to get their butts out of bed.

At the sound of my boots crunching over the snow, all four horses nicker in unison, obviously trying to grab my attention. Smiling, I stick my hands in my pockets and walk up to the small herd tied to the rope. Jay thrusts his head into my shoulder, and I grin, removing my hands from my pockets so that I can brush off the ice that had taken root in his thick chestnut mane.

Trika nibbled at my hair hanging out of my hat, hoping to steal the spotlight. I turn to face her, and kiss her white nose. She sighs contently, happy that all the attention has been turned on her.

"I'd love to give you some more love honey, but all you guys need water," I cast a glance at the river about a hundred yards away. Kiss pawed at the snow, clearly impatient with standing in one place all night.

That's when I realize what a bad idea keeping all four horses tied up during the winter was. To get warm, they're required to move around in order to get their blood flowing. Tied up to a picket line however, they're granted only a few steps. If it had snowed harder, they could have frozen.

Feeling slightly uneasy, I untie Jay and Trika. I hop onto Jay's back, and using just his lead rope and my legs as a guide, I walk him over to the river with Trika in tow. I allow the two of them to drop their heads and drink. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of them swallowing, gulping down the icy cold water.

"That's enough," I say, backing Jay away from the cold water, "We can't have either of you colicing on me now can you?"

He pins back his ears slightly, and I guiltily think about how hungry he just be. When we get back to the picket fence, I tie the two of them back up and give each a little bit of the hay that had been brought. More grain then hay though. Not so much so that they'd colic, but enough to healthily replace the missing forage.

After they've been chewing contently for a few moments, I untie Kiss and Midna. The two mares jostle me forward, eager to drink the water they'd enviously watched Jay and Trika gulp up minutes before.

"Yes, they drank first," I roll my eyes, pushing them away from me so that I'm not run over. "And yes I choose favourites. No need to push."

I let the mares drink and then lead them back. Alyssa is up, moving quickly around the camp site with a few packages in her hand. When I get closer, she holds them up so I can see the writing. Mr. Noodles.

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