Finding Faith

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Chapter One:

Ryan and I park the truck in front of the large, impending public library. It's outside walls are made out of red brick, and are littered with clear, glass windows, "No...Sadie...I can't," Ryan gasps, as he takes in the view of the building. "I can't go in there!"

Pushing a lock of brown hair out of my eyes, I look at him through my green irises and raise an eyebrow. "Why not?"

He nervously edges around on his seat, and gazes harshly at the library, as if trying to see through the walls. "It's, um, a long story."

Leaning back in my seat, I drum my fingers on the steering wheel. "Are you going to tell me?"

"Well...its embarrassing," He squirms around in his seat.

"What?" I ask. "Did you pee your pants in there when you were a little kid or something? You need to spit it out, Ryan, because I really need to go get that book, and I'm not leaving this truck without you."

"Ok, fine," he relents and begins to tell me the story. "When I was seven years old, I got my first library card, and signed out a book about cowboys. got tossed into the fire place, and um...well...that was basically the first and last time I went it the library. I you know how many overdue library fines I have? I've probably hit a thousand dollars by now!"

Finding his situation slightly hilarious, I suppress a laugh. Unfortunately, it bubbles its way up through my throat and out my laugh. Ryan glares at me the whole time I laugh. "I-I'm sorry, Ryan," I choke. "But, that's pretty funny!"

"Easy for you to say! You aren't the one who owns a butt-load of cash to the library!" He exasperates.

"Ryan...what year was that?" I ask, finally finding my straight face.

"Um...I don't really remember. It was like, fourteen years ago!"

"Look, Ryan," I unbuckle my seat belt, and then reach across and undo his, earning me a glare. "You'll be getting a new library card by now. When you're six years old, you needed a card that your guardian had to sign. However, when you reach thirteen, you have to get a new, adult one," I feel like I'm talking to a 5 year old. "So, you'll be getting a new card, and your records won't be on it!"

It takes a moment for it to click in his brain. "Oh! I get it." He shrugs and jumps out of the truck.

We walk in silence into the library. Puffs of white air emit out of our mouths in the chilly morning. Crunchy frost dusts the grass, and sticks to my boots as I trudge through it. I zip up my zipper on my jacket a bit more, in an attempt to stay warmed, and stuff my hands into my fleece- lined pockets.

Ryan pauses slightly as we reach the library doors. "Come on, Ryan. It's ok." I coax.

"Are you sure about this card thing?" He double checks.

I run my fingers through my soft hair, and groan. "Yes Ryan! For the last time I am sure!" Actually, to tell the truth, I'm not. But seriously, who's going to care about a book on cowboys that was taken out roughly 14 years ago?

"Ok, I believe you," He smiles, and bravely enters the library. We are immediately greeted by a friendly librarian.

"Hello," she smiles. "Can I help you with anything?"

"No, not right now, thank you," I return her smile. "Ok, Ryan. Let's go find some books on breeding horses."

We trek to a aisle that looks like a good candidate for breeding books. "I don't understand," Ryan says as he walks up and down rows of hardcover and softcover books. "Why we couldn't just use one of your parents books."

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