Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"I'm sorry...what?!" I switch the phone to my other hand and cradle it tightly against my ear, hearing what the person on the other end is saying, but not believing it.

The woman sighs. "I'm not joking with you Sadie. We'd like you to train twelve of our shires for the winter fair to pull wagons and stuff."

I pull out my coffee cup (not my favorite, since Ryan broke my best) and pour myself a steaming cup of hot coffee. "Wow...twelve though? Really? Why can't you train them? I'm not even part of the Winter Fair must have at least one trainer?"

"We had one trainer, but he moved to Saskatchewan. C'mon Sadie!" she pleads. "We really need you!"

"Why me though?" I mix some cream into my coffee, turning it a caramel colour. "There are tons of people around here. Why me?"

"You did such a good job training that trick horse last year, we thought you may be able to do something with the drafts we have."

"Jazz was already trained. I had absolutely nothing to do with it." I point out and sit down on the couch, with my knees tucked under me and my cup perched precariously on my lap as I attempt to get comfortable.

"Look, Sadie. I really don't have a lot of time," she says quickly. "Are you in or not? There will be a paycheck involved..."

"How much?" I say quickly, and take a sip of my coffee. To soon. It scalds my tongue.

"That depends on how good a job you do with them." I could be cheated with this, but I know the president of the committee. I think it's safe.

"Ok, ok fine," I give in. "Drop them off tomorrow."

"Thank you so much! It will make a huge difference to the fair." She gushes.

"I'm sure it will. Bye!" I say cheerily and end the call then toss the phone to the chair on the other said of the room, not believing what I just got myself into. Six horses maybe...but really... 12?! Luckily, I know just the person who can help...


"Slow down Sadie!" Al holds up a hand. "You agreed to what?"

"To training twelve shires for the Winter Fair." I say slowly, and nervously twist my fingers and glance down at the ground.

"Did I hear you right?" Al leans closer to me. "Twelve."

"Yeah...that's what I said." I shrug.

"How did someone manage to talk you into that?" He asks in disbelief and shrug off his heavy jacket.

"I don't know!" I say in dismay. "I'm in a bit of a financial problem at the moment, and I need the money, so when the opportunity presented itself I just jumped at the chance. Why was I so stupid?" I groan.

"Now, now. It wasn't stupid Sadie. Besides, if anyone can do anything with those drafts it's you." He says reassuringly.

"Sure." I say and roll my eyes.

"When do they arrive?" Al asks and takes a cookie from the plate that sits on the centre of the table.

"Tomorrow," I swallow nervously. "Is that to soon?"

Al chews a bit of cookie. " may be. Look, I've got a friend who has an old cart complete with all the gear. I'll call him later today and see if he'd lend it to ya for a bit. How's that sound?" I hadn't even though of the cart!

"Thank you Al," I say relieved. "I would appreciate that so much."

"I know you will. Go home now," he gestures towards the door. "If you plan on getting anywhere with those guys, you have quite a bit of work to do, so I suggest you get on it right away."

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