Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

The phone rings. Once. Twice...three times. I'm actually beginning to think that the number on the other end, will never get picked up, until I finally hear someone speak.

"Hello? This is Dr. Sherman."

"Dr. Sherman? Hi! This is Sadie Lawrence. I called earlier requesting some blood tests done for my mare, Pluto's Milky Breeze?"

"Ah, that's correct," the vet confirms. "You want to make sure she is able to breed, am I right?"

"Quite correct! So I need to know when the appointment will be, so that I'll be here when you come to do the blood tests." I wind the cord around my hand, and grab a pen so that I can mark the date down on the calendar.

"All I can fit you in for is tomorrow. I hope that isn't too short a notice." Dr. Sherman apologizes.

"No, no. That'll work just fine," I say and write down Breezy: blood test down on the correct square. "What time?"

"Just give me a second to check my schedule..." the vet disappears for a minute. "Ok, I'm free at 4:30. Afternoon of course. Does that work for you?"

"Works perfectly!" I say happily, and add 4:30 after the memo.

"I'll see you then!" The vet hangs up, and I text Ryan, telling him when the vet is coming to do the blood tests. He replies with a 'sounds great! :)'

I place my cell on the table, and shrug on my fleece jacket. It's time to give one of my horses (not one of the shires) some much needed attention.


The first thing I hear when I enter the stable is the comforting sound of horses chewing hay, rustling around in their stalls, and exchanging friendly nickers and other various horse greetings. Jazz stands placidly in his stall, one hind hoof cocked back, meaning his relaxed and most likely sleeping.

I stare at his protruding stomach, and wince. "You're way to fat for your own good!" My eyes drift to the saddle sitting on a stand beside his stall. The brown leather is dusty, the wooden handles need a good sanding job. I pick it up, and smile as I feel it's weight in my arms. "Ok, Jazz. You ready to go for a ride?"

Jazz stands calmly as I sling a saddle blanket over his brown back. Then I settle the saddle on top of it, and admire how handsome Jazz looks, all tacked up. I do up the cinch loosely for now, then grab my bridle. Since winter is coming, every bit of metal is ice cold. So before I stick it in his tender mouth, I roll the bit in between my palms and breath on it to warn it up. He takes the D-ring easily, and chews on it for a second, while I do up the throat lash. After making sure that four fingers can fit in the space between the piece of leather and his jowl, so that it isn't uncomfortable and he can breathe properly, I tighten the cinch a bit more, then check it and see that it is good and tight.

"I guess we're ready!" I lead him from the stall to the pen. As I place my foot in the stirrup, I know in my gut that I should be working with one of the shires since the event is only a few weeks away, but I push away the feeling and get comfortable in the saddle. With my heels, I nudge Jazz forward. He walks with a positive attitude, one ear flicked back in my direction to catch my words, the other pointed straight ahead.

Once we have mad it around the arena a few times, I eye the leather loops at the front of the saddle. Taking a deep breath, I drop my reins, and slip my feet into them, and shakily stand up, my arms stretched out wide. A grin slowly spreads across my face. It's been so long since I did some trick riding. At my verbal cue, Jazz picks up the pace and heads straight into a jog. Thank God for his smooth stride. I breathe steadily, and slowly feel exhilarated as everything comes back to me. When I call it, Jazz flicks back an ear and springs quickly into a lope. Almost too quickly. I almost lose my balance. But hey! Thats what happens when you don't really ride for a while.

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