Your Insecure

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Before I start this, I want to let you know something.... You are beautiful! You are amazing! You are kind!... A lot of us struggle with insecurities especially when we are in a relationships. For instance, girls feel like they should loose more weight when they are curvy and beautiful, or they need gain more weight because some fuck boy or ass hole said they were too skinny, but in reality your beautiful, here's the thing though girls aren't the only ones suffering guys are as well they thing the same thing us girls do, and I am suffering with perfect body image, but I want you guys to know something your beautiful you may not see it but I do... I want you to try something I been doing which is, look at yourself in the mirror and point out the positive things you like instead of the negative things people say makes you look wrong. I love you my butterflies and remember you can talk to me if you feel down I love to help you, because I know the feeling of  wishing I had someone to talk to and help as well.  Now here is a imagine for you my lovelies.

  Again your boyfriend family decides to tease you about your weight and this time it went a little too far.

When you got home, he announced he was taking a shower running to your shared bedroom in your small apartment.

   You decided you lay down for a little bit but the names they call you repeated over and over in your head. You felt tears start to fall, but you wiped them away, walking to your full length mirror to be faced with what you see.

You undress and look at yourself in the mirror; picking, pinching, and poking. You sighed, wondering 'why would he love me' with out realising it you felt arms turn you around so (Y/E/C) is staying at (Y/B/E/C).

  "You know it pains me to see you like this" your boyfriend tells you. "I hate walking in here seeing you look down at your self, with the poking and the self hatred in your eyes. I hate seeing such a beautiful person I love, look so down on themselves." He said, turning you around so your facing the mirror.

"You know what I see?" He asked, "I see a girl/boy, who is amazing, beautiful/handsome, funny, and very smart."

You felt happy tears fall down your face.

   (Y/B/N) kneels in front of you holding your hands, "Remember this. Don't let insecurity ruin the beauty you were born with. I love you" he said,

Your heart felt so warm and happy from his caring nature. He stood up,embracing you in a tight loving hug.

  "I love you...I love you so much" you muttered in his chest.

I hope this made your day, remember smile my beautiful butterflies. I love you all 😁😘😃

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