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Anything can happen. This is one phrase I always hear but never believed. I mean, do you really think that cows could just fall out of the sky? Or maybe you possibly getting an A+ on your Maths test? Impossible right?

Yeah, that's how I always saw it. Well, that is, up until that day. The first time I ever saw her face. It might have been brief but it was still the best thing I've ever seen. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She was like my knight in shining armour. Saving me when I gave up. All my hopes were gone when I realised I couldn't find a way out. Until she came.

After that, it wasn't a matter of anything can happen but everything happens for a reason. And let me tell you, it's the hardest thing to bear in mind when it feels like your world is just tearing apart, bit by bit until it's all gone.

She was both a curse and a blessing in disguise that was sent to me. It's like both God and the devil teamed up together to give me this beautiful yet dangerous creature that had the power to either break me or make me.

I blamed it on the fire. The fire that was the start of my beautiful, messed up world. The fire had brought her to me. Just because of a tiny, flickering flame which eventually cause a huge destruction.

Just goes to show we should never underestimate the power of something or even someone no matter what or who they are. It all started because of that seemingly harmless flame.

But hey, everything happens for a reason, right?


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Dancing With Fire (GxG)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang