1. Fire

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Savannah's PoV

My body moves with the rhythm of the song. My legs carrying me with the beat of the music. My arms swaying on their own accord in a graceful and delicate manner. It's like my whole body has a mind of its own.

I'm aware that I'm dancing but the flow of the music has caught me under its spell. I'm in a trance, following the spell's order like I'm a slave but instead, I feel free. I'm in a beautiful trance that can't be broken unless the spell is broken or stopped. Which is exactly what happened.

The music stops and the movement of my body comes to an end.

I hear applause from the crowd and watch them stand from their seats. I take a bow as I take short, quick breaths from the tiring, but satisfying performance I just presented. I could still hear the audience whistles and claps as the curtains fall.

I take a few seconds to compose myself and come back to reality before I get off the stage.

I walked backstage to be greeted with my teammates and friends.

"Hey, great work out there."

"As always, you did fantastic."

"That was really spectacular, Sav!"

"Congrats, Savannah. You did awesome out there."

Compliments were thrown at me as I headed to my room backstage along with pats on the back. I smiled at them and said thanks to each one of them with a shy nod and complimented them back on doing fantastically.

I really don't like being the center of attention, actually. Which is kind of ironic if you think about it because I just performed a solo dance routine in front of a sea of crowd. Well, let's just say that's really the only time I enjoy the attention.

My dance was the last one for the night. As always, all of us did a great job tonight. We were all exhausted but proud of ourselves for another successful performance.

A knock on the door was heard.

"Come in!" I called out loud enough for the people on the other side to hear me as I turn around to see who was entering.

The knob turned and my dad's head popped through the crack. He came in followed by his wife.

My dad is a tall, well-dressed man. He is a bit more on the plump side but since he's tall it's not really obvious. Unfortunately, I didn't get my height from him since I'm rather petite and not that tall. He may seem stern on the outside but he really is a friendly and nice person. He has always supported me no matter what and through all my ups and downs.

"Hey, honey! Great job out there!" my dad exclaimed as he embraced me in his arms.

"Hi, dad," I greeted him back while returning his hug. "And thanks."

"You did incredible! We're so proud of you," my dad's wife said as she gave me a hug as well.

"Thank you, Celia. It really means a lot that both of you are here," I said with a genuine smile.

Celia, my dad's wife, is a caring and kind woman. They've been married for about 3 years now. It took me some time to get used to it but I eventually did.

Ever since my mother passed on when I was 8, my dad never really seemed fully happy. We were both devastated and took a long time to accept it. To be honest, I'm not over it and I don't think I'll ever accept it but I've learnt to live with it. If anything, my mother's passing has thought me to appreciate life more.

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