good again

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(Hello (#backagain). So a new one shot is coming! Sorry you had to wait that long buuuut we wrote many exames like today one last week and we're going to write a test tomorrow and on Thursday (hopefully the teachers will forget it). Last week i was a bit ill because my wisdom teeth got removed. All four.
Well it hurted a bit but is okay now. So i couldn't write that much.
Anyway hope you enjoy this one!)

He looked up to the sky. It was a nice day even for winter. It wasn't really cold only a bit and the sun spend a warm light. He closes his eyes and took some deep breaths. Remebering the past.

It had only been a month since the battle with the red death. Everyone would call him a hero. They're all patting him on his shoulder telling how he would be gaining an special place in Valhalla.

But what does that matter when the love of your life won't talk to you?

After he woke up Astrid came fast. First she punched him,telling never to scare her again.

Then she kissed him.

Astrid Hofferson,the girl he loved since he was five years ols kissed him on the lips in front of his Father and the whole Village. He smiled remebering her soft lips touching his. He opened his eyes again only to see a black reptile playing in the snow.

He laughed softly at his dragon before calling him. The black head shot up before the creature groaned and jumped to his rider. To his best friend.

"Hey bud. You had your fun in the snow?"the young man asked patting the Night Furys Head. He purred and nodded. The boy smiled too."Wanna go for a flight?"

The Night Fury roared loudly as the flew fast to the clouds. A smile appered on his lips."Come on Toothless!"he shouted against the wind, letting the dragon speed up.

When they were over the clouds the rider sighed happily and laid back."This is it bud. This is it..."he said quietly laying his hand on the warm skin of his dragon.

It was already dark when they landed in Berk. He got off his dragon and showed him to be quiet. Since he didn't want to wake his father up he decided to go into the forge.

But he couldn't get there.

Someone grabbed his arm and pulled him behind a house. As he looked at the kidnapper he realised it was Astrid. Her eyes were a bit red and looked pretty angry."Hiccup! What were you thinking? Where were you?!"she almost yelled at him.

He just looked at her."Why would you care? "He then asked,quietly. Her eyes widen as she herad him saying that."Hiccup what are you talking about? Of course I care about you!"she said now softer and grabbed his hands. He looked at her.

"You do?"he asked. She smiled down at him."Yes of course silly. Why would you think something like that?"

"Because you kept ignoring me. Whenever I wanted to talk to you you would just walk off or ignore me. I...Did I say something wrong? Did i do something that made you upset why you wouldn't talk to me? Well if i did please tell me so i will never do it again!"he said. The blonde sighed.

"Well I'm sorry. And it wasn't you. It was me. I wanted to give you a bit space. And i thought it wouöd be a bit awkward. know."she explained. He just nodded."Okay. So...we're good again?"he smiled a bit at her when she asked that.

"Never been better."

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