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Song; Firestone by Kygo feat. Conrad Sewell

There is this one girl, in my ancient history studies.
She catches my attention with every slight detail about her.
The way her eyes flicker between people to observe there actions, just trying to take in the world around her like a young child in a new environment. Though she is not a young child.
She may be a young girl on campus for studies but she is in no way like a child.
She is broken yet not. In a way only bent. Yet I know that only one more thing will turn that bend into a snap.
That snap will come soon and I don't think anything will be able to fix it.


I love her. But I'm in denial. Not telling anyone. Not even her.
Well there is one person.... Wait... Not a person. My dog. I told my dog, yea.


Strange little, quirks that catch my attention. The way she taps her pencil in this strange pattern everyday but on Monday on a different irregular pattern. As if conveying some messages to someone. On Mondays she's always so wary, checking around every corner before turning it.
She always sits on her own, everyday, never with any friends.
She is a pure mystery.
I will solve this mystery one day.


I will only update if I get interest in this first chapter.

Hi guys. So this was just the intro type thing.
Hope you enjoy.

Saving Her {a divergent fanfic} { #Wattys2016 }Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant