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Song for the chapter; are you with me by lost frequencies

"Zeke! Ma bro!!" I yell as I open the front door.
"Awe.... Man. Haven't seen you in ages!"
And it's true. Since we graduated from high school we haven't had the chance to catch up.
"How long has it been? Like 5 years?"
Yes 5 years. I am 23 now.
I walk up to him.
We do that strange manly hug with the pat on the back.
I've never really been one to show affection much. I tend to keep to myself.
I am not normally even sociable, unless you are my old friend group from school. Or Tris.

We hold on to the bad days as we know the good ones are yet to come.

I step away from the door to let home in.
We plop onto the couch and start making small chat about life, and anything really.
These are the times that I most enjoy, just being able to talk to my friends without the judgement of others, without worries of danger.
Without worries if my father.

Life is good. You may not see it so you will have to search for it.

He stands up ready to go home. It feels like we have only been talking for minutes, yet when I pull out my phone from my pocket I see it has been a solid 5 hours. It's true what they say about time flying when you're having fun. It seems way to soon for him to leave. I will miss him though.

Saving Her {a divergent fanfic} { #Wattys2016 }Where stories live. Discover now