Come on!

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Song; 1955 by hilltop hoods

"Come on!" I yell at her getting pissed.
"No! I already said I don't want to be freakin associated with you!"
"petite salope ! pourquoi ne pouvez pas vous voyez juste .... que je suis désespérément en amour avec vous ! depuis le jour où je restai d'abord mes yeux sur vous ! s'il vous plaît me donner une chance putain ...."
"When the hell did you learn to speak French?" She asks, clearly being agitated at not being able to know what I'm saying.


She has anybody who goes near her, captivated with the sheer force of her nature.


"I learnt how to speak French when I know you couldn't!"
"Babe, you know why!"
"Two things! One. Don't you dare freakin 'Babe' me. Two. I have no clue why!"
"I call you babe because I don't know your name."
And because that's what I want you to be toward me.
"The name is Beatrice. You happy? My freakin name is Beatrice."
"I'm not happy."
She withdraws her head giving her a tiny double chin, and gives me a confused look.
"I'm not happy because, that name just doesn't suit you... It's just... Not right?"
"Fine. If it's 'not right?' Find another name for me!"
"Tris. That's your new name."

She had a name. Tris. A unique name for an even more so girl.


She walks if shaking her head, a slight chuckle escaping her lips.

Saving Her {a divergent fanfic} { #Wattys2016 }Where stories live. Discover now