How it Started

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Song; let you go by Chainsmokers feat. Great good fine ok
(Video clip for song contains; drinking/alcohol, drugs and sex. [sorry had to notify readers])

It started on a early winters morning.
While walking into studies, I saw a blonde head bobbing in the crowd.
A strange kind of blonde, kind of a hazelnut blonde.
I kept watching the back of this head all the way to class, eventually I lost track of it, in the abundance of people.
I then asked myself why exactly was I so fixated on a head. It's a head for gods sake. Everyone has one, so why was this one so interesting? I don't know.


The feelings this girl has struck me with, are unconditional. I have not stopped thinking about her.


I walk into B7, my studies room.
I see the blonde head.
She is standing at the teachers desk.
I stare at them, trying to make out what they are saying.


Her words struck me, as if they are a sword that glides straight through my heart, but heals me in the process.


She walks to the back of the room. Sitting in the seat three from the left, back row.
That's directly behind mine.
So, of course, I go sit in my seat.
I unpack my bag, placing my study book, workbook and pencil case on my desk.
Being curious, I turn back to ask for the blonde girls name.
"What's the name?" I ask, nodding to her.
She just shakes her head. Not looking me fully in the eyes.
"Okay blondie" I say turning back towards the front.

Saving Her {a divergent fanfic} { #Wattys2016 }Where stories live. Discover now