Ninja Sex Party- Under the Covers

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Oh my god guys
Ok so story time
A few weeks ago (on the release date of this lovely album) I ordered this. Obviously I knew it would arrive a bit later than the pre orders since I purchased it on the day and NSP made an announcement about it. So I wait a few weeks and it recently came in. I don't know exactly which day it came but it was within the past three. I just got to checking the mail today and it wasn't their even though the tracking number and everything said it arrived. I didn't think much of it because things like this happen, it's not there quite yet but will be arriving soon. So I walk in my residence, greet my crazy cat, and settle down from a long day of school. .you sister wakes up soon since she has a dentist appointment (she sleeps during the day due to her night shift) and right before she leaves she says "hey, if I see you have progress on your project, I have something you want." And I immediately know it's the album, we did the order anything in the past few months other than said album. Now I 'start work' on my project (a story for another day) and once I do one part I go back to watching youtube since I got something done. My sister's boyfriend then arrives (he's living with us until he can get his own place) and he starts settling to play Call of Duty. I get up to get a snack and to play with my cat. The little bean runs into my sister's room and as I'm trying to catch my walnut I see a lil somethin' somethin' on her nightstand. Ninja Sex Party- Under the Covers. I try to contain my fangirling and genral excitement especially because I wasn't completely sure it was going to be signed. I then grab my cat and act natural, walk to my room, and commence the freaking out. I start talking to my dear cousin (you know the one. I-I'm talking about Grey, Grey's the cousin.) AND we're both kinda freaking out. I go back to the living room and sit down on the couch to continue my YouTube watching. The boyfriend leaves and I run to my sister's room to take a picture of the album and send it to Grey, running back to the couch in case someone walks in. After about 20 more minutes of freaking out and 10 of acting normal my sister calls. She asks if I have done any work. I say yes because I have. She then says that there's a thing on her nightstand for me and I can go get it. I first tell her that I'm going to let my cat out of the bathroom (we put her in there for a time out when she's bad). I grab the cat and go to the nightstand and freak out some more. My sister then asks what the sex part of their name is about and I just tell her they're a comedy band, plus there's worse things out there than dick jokes, for gods sake she just took me to see Deadpool. Anyway I we then hang up and I call Grey when I'm in my room and freak the fuck out, you can confirm with her. I'm still over the moon about it. I HAVE A THING MY IDOLS TOUCHED AND SIGNED AAAAAAAAAAHHH

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