Rex: Rina Xander

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Eyy here's my first Overwatch OC. not gonna lie this is kind of a self insert character #cantstopwontstop


About her:

  She had a normal childhood with omnics and humans alike. When she grew up she moved to New York City to go to school for audio and telecommunications and eventually started working at her campus's radio station. She worked there for the duration of her college stay. Fresh out of college and unsure what to do she decided to start her own radio station and podcast, the only things she really knew how to do. Rina did that for a while, getting special guests on, growing more and more popular. Unfortunately the Omnic Crisis ruined that. One day a group of rouge omnics broke into her studio and held her hostage, forcing her to broadcast their messages. She was starved to near death since the omnics didn't need to eat and tortured if she didn't comply to their demands. Eventually Overwatch caught wind of the omnic broadcast and went to intervene. They arrested the omnics and rescued Rina. Realizing her abilities with telecommunication they asked if she would like to join their team. She was like 'Fuck it, why not?' and went with them. She worked with them but also started back up her own broadcast.

UPDATE (7/30/16): Since she is involved with radio stuff her ult. taps into the enemies  communications for the whole team similar to how Widowmakers ult. allows her team to see the enemies wherever they are. Also some of the backstory stuff probably isn't lineing up with her age and so on but you hopefully get the idea.

Shit Journel (Mostly Art)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon