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My dearest greywintergem has tagged me in a tag. I SHALL TAG ANYONE AND EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS!

lol I don't really have any crushes on anyone I know (have an actual chance with) but you already know my celebrity/character crush list is extensive 😂😂
Recently its low key Wonho from Monsta X. I say low key because I am still learning about the group and its members but boi if Wonho ain't my bias

Middle Name:
Elizabeth after Saint Elizabeth An Seton

Approximately 5'3"
I'm average right? Or is the average growing because I am one of the shortest people in most of my classes

Shoe Size:
7.5 me boi

Eye Color:
A blue gray kinda color. It gets really gray when I look at the sky.

Last Time I Cried:
Low key yesterday when I was imagining myself in Supernatural and Sam got shot by a werewolf. The last time I SERIOUSLY cried was probably on my birthday (the 4th of January) when I found out my friend was out of the state and she wished she could tell me happy birthday and plus I miss her so much. Then I proceed to be embarrassed in front of all of Texas Roadhouse and my sister blamed be for it. Yay.

My Biggest Fear:
I believe I've said before in a previous journel entry but I'll say again. I fear that I won't find someone I can completely love. I'm afraid I might get a divorse or I won't be happy in a relationship. I'm afraid I'll be alone and unsatisfied with my life.

Last Song I Listened To:
Steal Your Heart by Monsta X

Last Person I Texted:
My sister and Grey

Favorite Apps:
Instagram (follow me @/skell.craze)
Line Play (add me skells)
Wattpad (you are here)
Tumblr (follow me @/skell-craze)

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