What I Know of N. Korea and How I Feel

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So currently I'm just looking at things involving North Korea (you know, the country with a stick up its butt) trying to learn more about why Korea is split. I've always known citizens of North Korea were restricted in ways but they never knew (they still don't know). I see a reoccurring theme in answers N. Koreans give to the very few interviewers that are let into the country. Each answer in a sense praises their leader Kim Jong Un and expresses their gratitude to everything he gives (allows) and say they only need a home, hard work and rest, all given by Kim Jong Un. Its astounding... They are fed propaganda from the day they are born about how the internet is filled with sex and American propaganda. Well... yes there are both of those things on the internet but, what isn't on the internet anymore? They are told their country is the greatest in the world... Everything, each tiny detail in their lives is determined by Kim Jong Un. They praise him like a god. It's... gross actually... I am not 100% certain on this (still pretty sure,) but I would not be surprised if it actually happened, if there is any sort of retaliation against the country by a citizen, that citizen could be tortured or publicly executed (among other things I've heard). I want to learn how they got to this state since I only know a bit about how they are now with the limited information there is. I just... I want to tell them that there is more to life than what they are 'given'. It's heartbreaking... They could be a pretty darn great country like their neighbors South Korea... but no... Individuality is essentially banned. This world can be wonderful but they are shunned from any possible chance to know of that greatness. They believe that their government is shielding them from the terrible outside world. Yes this world can be nasty but you can't just stop your country from evolving with time! I've lived in America my whole life, I was born here. Yes this place is terribly flawed and slightly corrupt. We still have ways of feeling better. We are involved in our country (for the most part). Best of all we have free will, and many other countries. 

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