Cancer (MCR and TOP)

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ok. so. as youall may know Twenty One Pilots did a cover of My Chemical Romance's Cancer. When I first heard of this knews I flipped. Cancer is one of my most favorite MCR songs, it has a lot of meaning and importance to me because cancer (the illness) has effected my life so incredibly much and i just relate the song to the loved ones I have lost, and the fact that Twenty One Pilots, one of my favorite bands, is covering it?! I was so excited. now that the cover has been released and I have heard it quite a bit i will now give my opinion and compare the two songs because... lets be honest they are quite different aside from the lyrics.

I will start with how they sound. Cancer, the original version, was somber, it felt like expecting for the worst to come but still hoping for the best, fighting to continue but growing weaker and weaker by day. The feeling of sorrow for having to put your loved ones through pain over your own physical illness, every time i listen to the song I just feel like I realize something new about how my loved ones felt, how I felt... how I feel. It feels like a last hoorah in a way, its a classic. Cancer, the cover, in all honesty I didn't recognize it since the song was so different but very unique. It brings along a more eerie feeling, a broken feel. I read a comment saying "Gerard sang like he was still fighting, Tyler sang like he gave up" and honestly that is probably the best summary with the two. He does indeed feel like her gave up fighting for life, no more hope. It feels like an updated version of the original if you will, a remix of sorts.

now im gonna move on to how fans and other listeners are receiving it and... time to get salty. I see a bunch of people thinking Cancer was writen by TOP. pleasse... fucking STOP. this s a cover not original. now if your reading this you probably already know or have figured that out. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spread the fact that MCR is the OG. I saw someone in the comments go "omg people mad at top fans for thinking its a top song, not everyone listens to that kind of music" first off, DUH NOT EVERYONE LISTENS TO THE SAME BANDS but I would have HOPED people are at least FAMILIAR with MCR and that this is a COVER. second off, OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE UPSET THAT OTHERS ARE MISTAKING IT FOR AN ORIGINAL TOP SONG, many many many people have a deep connection to the original (hint hint nudge nudge, me hi how are you) and when MCR isn't being recognized, even after their break up... like cmon people have a right to be upset. now I'm not saying you bash the people just educate them. if they're stubborn fucktards then i give you permission to bash them. in genral everything about the situation sucks because I love both bands ever so dearly though I have been around with MCR longer so...

finally my thoughts on the songs. I love the TOP cover, I like the overall sound it has and i love the emotion Tyler portrays, however I prefer the original by MCR. now it may be because I've loved MCR longer and all but I just... you can never go wrong with the original. its like... a cry of emotions, sadness, shame, longing, pity, fighting, anger... Its how I feel about what I've lost (to a slightly lesser extent today), its how I imagine my loved ones felt when leaving me and my sister... sorrow for abandoning us though it was out of their control and out of ours.oh buddy I just got a wave of emotions, i better end this now. I love both versions and I love both bands but MCR's where its at

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