Chapter 2

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"We're your parents!"

What. The. Hell?!

Who are these crazy people?

And what did the insane man say his name was?

Is this really happening? I mean, I don't see why these people would lie but there is no possible way they are my parents.

Then it hit me.


I must've fallen asleep earlier after school! I don't know why this dream was so vivid, but it clearly was a dream.

I laughed at the simplicity of it all. "Ok then," I said to the dream people, "I'm just going to go wake up now. Thanks!"

The people glanced at each other with a look of pure confusion. I shut my eyes as tight as I could and tried to wake up. I slowly looked up. Why wasn't I back in my room?

"What are you doing?" The lady asked, stifling a laugh.

"I'm waking up! Leave me alone!"

"Waking up? Oswin, are you ok? You're wide awake sweetie. I know it's hard to believe though. I told your father to be a bit more gentle but his social skills are a little... lacking."

"If I'm awake then who the hell are you, why are you lying to me and excuse me but did he say his name was the doctor? What does that even mean?"

"It's just... his name. Nothing wrong with that. I know it's a bit confusing but it's true. We really are your parents."

"No, you're not, you're creepy and I'm calling the police!"

I started over towards the phone, but the man grabbed my arm. "Get the HELL off of me you creep!"

"Oswin please. Let me explain!" He said, "I am your father and Clara is you're mother. Can't you see the resemblance? I know this is an odd time to just show up but our life isn't entirely safe. Not for a ch..."

I cut him off, "What, you're life of crime isn't safe? Let me guess; you've decided you need another person in your little gang and you think saying that you're my parents will make me join? Yea, no thanks."

"No, no Oswin it's not like that. I'm from another planet. I time travel in that blue box over there and..."

I slammed the door in his face and locked it. I was actually pretty creeped out at this point. He clearly wasn't mentally stable and I really wanted to live to see my seventeenth birthday.

Taking a bite of my pasta, I looked through the peephole. I didn't see "Clara" or "The Doctor" anymore so I settled down at the table and tried to do my homework.

One thing still made me uneasy though; how did they know my name?

I shrugged it off. There are plenty of ways they could find my name. Laurie and Beck could've unknowingly told someone. It's not a big deal and I really needed to focus on my homework.

Finally, three hours later, my homework was out of the way and I was free for the rest of the evening. I pulled out my book and snuggled up in my bed.

Only minutes after I started reading however, I heard a strange noise coming from the living room.

*Vwooshhh Vwooshhh Vwooshhh*

What was that?

I cautiously poked my head through the doorway and my eyes went wide.

This could not be happening. No. Was I drugged?

In the centre of the living room was a blue police phone box.

And standing next to it was Clara and the Doctor.

(like I said, I won't do an authors note every chapter but I wanted to apologise for how short this chapter was, I just thought it'd be a good place to end the chapter so ill start on chapter 3 immediately)

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