Chapter 4

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Was I seeing this right? No. Wait.

I turned around and walked back out and circled the box a few times then I looked back in.

"Holy shit," was all I could say.

The Doctor smiled ear to ear. "Got anything else to say?"

I went inside the box again and started touching everything in sight to make sure this wasn't an elaborate hologram or something.

"But it's..... it's" I emerged again.

He nodded at me, as if to say "Go on."

"It's... bigger... on the inside!!!!!" I finally managed, "Or smaller on the outside. How is that possible?"

"Time Lord science. Believe me now?"

"Fine. Okay. Your a Time Whatever. But that still doesn't make me one!" I really couldn't deny it anymore. This guy was special. His "time machine" was special. But.... it scared me to even think that this Doctor could be my father.

My life wasn't any different than any other teenage girl, except for the living situation, and I certainly didn't go around in an ancient looking box travelling through time.

This guy frightened me. A lot. But a huge part of me really wants to believe him. I want a dad. And HOW cool would it be to time travel?!

He could tell I was breaking. All he needed was one last remark to completely convince me....

"Oswin? How would you like to go to an alien planet two thousand years in the future?"

Containing my excitement, I casually smiled. "Geronimo!"

Saving The Universe With My Dad, The Doctor (a Doctor Who fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now