Chapter 5

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The Doctor skipped into the box, looking a bit childish, with Clara at his heels. He immediately started pushing buttons and looking very sure of himself.

I resisted the urge to laugh when he started dancing around the centre, humming a bit to himself.

Clara noticed my amusement and whispered, "He does this every time. If you didn't know any better, you would think he was a five year old!"

The TARDIS started making that whooshing sound again and I was thrown against a railing.

The others caught their balance quickly and the Doctor went back to his button pressing. Clara continued to watch for my reactions.

How could anybody ever grow so accustomed to this? I'm still trying to take in the whole bigger-on-the-inside thing, and they don't seem to give a flying pancake that we're spinning through what the Doctor called the Time Vortex right now

Soon we'll be on an alien planet. Wow. I don't think my mind has quite processed everything yet. One second I'm sitting down for pasta, and the next, I have a family that's taking me to see the universe.

I felt all tingly, and I could sense that my life was going to change dramatically as soon as we landed on new soil.


Sorry for the terribly short chapter! I just wanted to write today to honor the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who and to let you guys know that I haven't abandoned you! mwah!!

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