Chapter 3

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Why were they here?!

How did that... box even get in? I was seriously scared for my safety.

"Get. Out. NOW!!!!" I screamed.

"No please Oswin. Give us a chance!" The doctor guy sounded actually upset.

"Just say whatever you want to say and then leave me alone. Please," I was trying to sound as scared as possible. Maybe if they knew how much they were freaking me out they would go away.

"Thank you. As I tried to say before, I am a time traveller. That box over there? It can go anywhere in time and space. Clara travels with me. But occasionally, when we go to... certain places... it's not safe. When we had you, we wanted to keep you so much, but our life isn't safe for small children, much less babies. Now that you're sixteen, if you want, you can come with us."

"Come with you? Um, no thanks. I'm just going to step into the kitchen for a moment and call the mental hospital. Thanks for explaining though. It all makes sense now. And it's ok. You can't help your mental disorder, though I might have a word with your families for not getting you help sooner. Please just... stay here while I call."

I started stepping towards the kitchen but something he said stopped me:

"Oh, and Oswin? I think you may be a Time Lord."

Still facing the other direction, I answered "A what?"

"A Time Lord Oswin. As I said, I'm from another planet. A planet called Gallifrey. It was destroyed and all the other Time Lords were killed. I escaped in my TARDIS..."

"Your what?" I interrupted, turning to face him.

"My TARDIS. That blue box over there. It stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. But anyway, I escaped Gallifrey and started travelling to other planets and times. That's what Time Lords do. Being my daughter makes you half Time Lord and I'm fairly certain you have inherited some... characteristics of a Time Lord. Of course, I could be wrong considering you're also half human but it's a pretty strong hunch."

"I'm not any different than any other human," I lied.

"Has anyone ever checked your heartbeat before Oswin? Like, in a doctor's office?"

"Uh duh," I looked at him kinda funny.

"The doctor you see- her name is Martha Jones, isn't it."

How...? Nope. I'm past even wondering at this point. "Yea, I think so."

He looked over at Clara and smiled then looked back at me, "She's a close friend of mine, Oswin"

I shrugged, "So?" I said

"Oswin... do you mind if I listen to your heartbeat?"

I nervously took a step back, "Yes!! You're not getting anywhere near me!"

"Please. I'll keep my distance." The Doctor looked heartbroken.

"Fine," I sighed, giving in.

Looking giddy with excitement, he ran into the little blue box. Honestly, his claim of travelling time in that thing would be much more believable if it was a bit bigger.

Moments later, he stepped back out carrying a stethoscope. He put the stethoscope up to my chest and probed around for my heartbeat.

Suddenly he smiled, "Oswin, listen."

I rolled my eyes and put the little things in my ears. *Thump thump Thump thump*

"Ok, how listen to the other side," he moved the stethoscope to the other side of my chest.

*Thump thump Thump thump*

"Why can I hear my heart when the thing is over there too?" I inquired, just to humour him.

"Time Lords, Oswin, have two hearts."

"Why on earth would they need two hearts?" This nonsense was actually getting pretty annoying now.

"When Time Lords are fatally injured, they can 'regenerate,' which is basically a process in which the Time Lord can be fully healed but after they are healed, they have a different face and body. They will look like a whole new person but carry the memories and all knowledge of the past regenerations with them."

I laughed at how seriously he seemed to take this story, "So, you're telling me that if I die, I'll come back to life or something?"

"Well... if that's the way you want to understand it, that works." He shrugged, like I was the clueless one, which irritated me beyond belief. "Have you ever felt different around people? Or uncomfortable in social places, like at school?"

"I guess," I was a little uncomfortable now, as a matter of fact, but I am pretty sure that has nothing to do with me being an alien, "But that's just because people think I'm a freak. Because I'm a foster kid. Nobody wants me."

When I was little, I had grand fantasies about finding my birth parents. I always thought it would be easy, since I knew my last name, a rarity for orphans. As soon as I was old enough to use Google, I looked up the name Oswald and scoured the Internet for evidence that I was wanted. By he time I was twelve, I had resigned myself to the grim fate of foster care.

"If you don't believe us still, step into the TARDIS"

Haha. This guy was funny. "Do you seriously think I'm getting in that little box with you? How should I know that you won't lock me in?"

"Ok.. ummm... how about this; we will stand over there and you leave the door open when you go in. All you need to do is take a little peek. I promise, you'll understand."

I threw my arms in the air, "Fine. I'm tired of this... nonsense!"

I stomped over to the phone box and glancing back over my shoulder to make sure Clara and the Doctor were on the other side of the room, I opened the door and took a small step in.

Saving The Universe With My Dad, The Doctor (a Doctor Who fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora