Chapter 10

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"Well, isn't this just brilliant!"

The Doctor and his friends looked downright giddy and Clara was looking at them like they had all lost their marbles.

I found it a bit funny that just a little while ago, I was the one looking at them with that exact same expression of utter confusion and wonder.

Now I wasn't just going to sit here. They seemed friendly enough.

I marched right up to the tall, thin man and the blond haired girl and introduced myself.

"Hello! I'm Oswin. And you are...?"

The blond girl smiled. She looked to be about in her twenties. "Rose."

The matchstick man glanced at the Doctor and they shared a look that I couldn't quite interpret and looked back at me.

"I'm the Doctor!" He flashed another one of his cheeky smiles. He seemed amused by the look I gave him.

"Okay then. Doctor," I put emphasis on the word Doctor as I looked at my father, "Who is this?"

The Doctor has some unusual friends.

They both laughed. "It's a really long story. One that we don't have time for now," the other Doctor guy said, "But hey, if we're quick about getting rid of these Cybermen, I might have time to tell it to you over tea."

The Doctors started waving around their screwdrivers at the front door of the hotel and they cautiously stepped in.

Clara started whispering something that I couldn't quite catch in the Doctor's ear and he nodded at marched over to the stairs, still brandishing his screwdriver.

Rose and Clara and I followed the Doctors as Clara directed them towards the room we had seen the Cyberman in before.

"I thought we got rid of all the Cybermen in this universe," said my Doctor, the dork in the bow tie.

"Yea I thought we had too. These things just keep popping up. Eh, never get tired of some good old Cybermen, do we Rose." The other Doctor grinned at Rose and I felt like I was being left out of some inside joke. Clara seemed left out too. I wonder how long she's known the Doctor. Clearly not that long, since she didn't recognize Rose and the Other Doctor. Then I remembered that I was sixteen...

Rose seemed unafraid of whatever was behind the door as she opened it wide and matched in. It was totally empty.

"It's gone" she looked up at the tall skinny man with worry in her eyes.

"It can't be far. You go left, I'll go right. And you three.... Clara, you go with Rose and," he waved his arms around, trying to think of what to call my father. "You. You can come with me."

"Where's Oswin supposed to go? I'm not leaving her alone," Clara said with a defensive edge to her voice.

"She can come with us," Skinny Man replied.

Clara looked anxious at the prospect of leaving me with this stranger, even though my Doctor was going to be right there with me.

I heard Rose whisper in Clara's ear "She's safe with him. Don't worry."

Clara gave her a small smile and they walked off, with my mother still throwing glances over her shoulder until they rounded the corner.


The Doctors and I went off in the opposite direction, peeking in every room and closet along the way.

There was no sign of the Cyberman, but as we walked farther down the hall, I had an increasing sense of dread. Or... was it excitement? It sounds sick and twisted, but this whole 'danger' thing is new to me, and I think I might... like it.

With every creak from the ancient building, I could feel more adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"AHA!" My dad's scream almost gave me a heart attack and I realized I had dropped behind them a bit. I rush to catch up as both the Doctors rush into another room, brandishing their screwdrivers.

I tiptoed in, more cautious than the Doctors. A line of seemingly dormant Cybermen we're leaning against the wall in the far corner.

Without really thinking, acting on pure human instinct, I rushed up and clung to my dad's arm for protection.

He looked even more startled by my action than by the sleeping robot men in the corner, but he patted my arm comfortingly and mouthed the word 'sleeping', pointing in the general direction of the Cybermen.

I nodded. Who cares if they're sleeping?! They can wake up any second and do whatever Cybermen do to kill you. I'm assuming it's pretty bad.

Skinny Doctor gently pulled on my sleeve, leading me towards the exit.

As soon as we were out, they took off down the hall, towards where my mum and Rose were.

I realized how much I'd started to think of them as Mum and Dad. I don't think it was possible to not believe their wild story. After all, we have just travelled to different PLANETS. I can't admit to them that I believe them though. Dad seems like the type to get a bit full of himself when he's right.

The other Doctor managed to explain to Rose and Mum where the Cybermen were, between exhausted breaths.

"Down there... room... 373... lots of them," He sounded really out if shape. My Doctor barely looked tired from our long run through the building.

Dad patted Other Doctor on the back "Bit out of shape, are we old fella?" He grinned.

"Oi! I don't have two hearts!" He sounded a bit defensive.

Wait what? I thought all Time Guys had two hearts! That puzzle can wait though. The Doctor had promised to explain everything once we get rid of the Cybermen.

Clara hugged me protectively. I suppose that was just her maternal instinct awakening in her again after 16 years.

She leaned over to my Doctor and whispered something quietly in his ear. I heard my name and listened more intently.

"...back to the TARDIS. It's too dangerous. She's waited 16 years already, a few more won't hurt. I don't want to lose her right after we've found her again."

"We can't send her back now. We wouldn't be able to get back to this world. She's stuck here."

It irked me that my parents still think of me like a little child who needs protecting. If they wanted to protect me so much, they could've kept me out of foster homes. Foster homes are a whole new level of hell that my parents will never understand.

Memories of all the horrid people I've had to live with came back to me, and for some inexplicable reason, I started crying.

Clara noticed immediately and looked at the Doctor irritably, as if she thought he had scared me with he talk of being stuck in another world.

She pulled me into a giant bear hug and whispered comforting words in my ear. She kissed the top of my head.

"We'll keep you safe Oswin. You don't have to be scared. The Doctor would never let anything happen to you and neither would I."

I smiled a little at her concern, "I'm not scared. I don't know what I am. Just stressed, I think. I'll be okay." I was trying to put on a brave face for them, especially when I realized that everyone in the room had turned to look at us. Dad looked like he wanted to say something but he couldn't come up with the words.

"Let's go kill us some Cybermen!"


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