Chapter 7- Late

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16th October 1976

*3rd Person POV*

Nobody seemed to have any time at all to spare. Remus seemed to have less than ever, he was taking more classes than anyone else, and that mean less free periods and more homework. This particular Satuarday he was bogged down by work more than usual, he had missed Friday's lessons due to the full moon, he had been in the Hospital Wing, and had only just been let out by Madame Pomfrey an hour or two ago, mainly due to Sirius' constant pestering.

James also seemed to have little time, he was Quidditch Captain this year and was eager to completely flatten the rest of the teams, especially Slytherin. The team was practicing for an hour in the evening 3 times a week, and then for 2 hours on a Satuarday afternoon, and that was the cut back schedule, after he tried out the first and his team refused.

Sirius didn't have quite the stress, but he too was fairly busy, often seen working in the corner, wether he was copying one of Remus' essays, doing his own work for a change, or drawing in his pad, a thing he wasn't half bad at.

Peter, who was taking less subjects than the rest of the four, struggled a lot, and therefore spent a lot of time studying, sometimes with the help of Remus, sometimes on his own.

James had just arrived back from Quidditch training, his broomstick over his shoulder, looking as though he had just gone for a dip in the lake. He was sodden, and shaking, frozen to the bone. He ran off to quickly shower and get changed, and when he got back, he too joined the other three in their studying.

A seventh year, Frank Longbottom, walked in, pinning a sheet of paper on the notice board. Everyone flocked around it, to see what it was about. Everyone but the four, who were concentrating so hard (for once, well, in all cases but Remus') that they didn't see it.

Soon the clamour died down, and the crowd in the common room slowly dribbled through the portrait hole.

Just as James finished up one of his essays, a first year, whom nobody in the group seemed to know the name of, cautiously approached them.

'Uhm, excuse me, but are you Sixth years?' The boy muttered shyly.

Remus was the only one who really heard properly, his brilliant hearing was one thing that had its uses, but he still despised it.

'Yes. Why?'

The boy almost jumped out of his skin for having been addressed by Remus.

'W-well the sheet on the- on the board, uhm, it said that you were meant to go to- to Professor McGonagalls classroom at five thirty.'

The boy looked over to the clock above the fireplace, and Remus down to his watch.

'And it's five tw-' Started the first year

'Holy shit'

Remus almost yelled that, and the first year boy practically jumped out of his skin, and rushed back over to his friends, obviously slightly scared.

'It's five twenty five, crap, oh fuck, we're gonna have to run, Transfiguration is half way across the castle, shit.'

James was laughing, and as Remus noticed this he rolled his eyes in anticipation of what was to come.

'Moony, come on now, how many times'

He quickly checked to see that the group of first years were engrossed in their own conversation, which they were, mainly ribbing the boy who had approached them for being scared.

'Moons, you are a bloody werewolf. Not a motherfucking swearwolf'

Remus sighed heavily, that joke had been running for a while and was getting kind of old. Sirius stifled a giggle, and Peter snorted slightly, but James was almost rolling around on the floor laughing.

'Prongs, enough with the jokes, we've only got three minutes now, let's go.'

Sirius pulled Jams towards the portrait hole, pushing him through. The others followed after, and soon they were running down the corridors, sprinting towards McGonagalls' classroom.

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