Chapter 12- Happy

943 46 8

23rd October 1976

*Remus POV*

He wasn't listening to a word I was saying. He had his mind on something else, someone else maybe? Dear Merlin I had come to close to asking him, I'm glad I didn't now, he would have laughed me out of the pub.

I was keeping the conversation going, talking about how shitty one of our professors was, and he was adding I ever so often, just grunting in agreement or nodding, once or twice he managed to form a sentence.

As we were just finishing up, and I had run out of things to say, he looked me dead in the eye.

'Okay, so we both know that I wasn't going to suggest that we went straight to Madame Malkins next.'

No shit Sherlock. Wait, who the fuck was Sherlock?

'What I was going to say, well ask was-'

He paused, and I found myself wondering what if. What if he was going to ask me to, to ask me, well , that. The question I was going to ask earlier. But didn't.


'Sirius, I did not get a word of that, what did you say?'

I heard him. I heard him clearly, but if this was a joke, and Merlin help me if it was, then surely he wouldn't repeat it? I needed to hear him again, if anything to make sure that I wasn't making up what I heard. I chuckled a bit at myself. And at the way he was getting a flustered.

He was nervous- he took a long deep breath to steady himself.

'Do- you and- and me. Do you want to go- go to the ball- with- with me.'

I had heard him right. He was asking me to the ball. Did he feel the same way about me? There were fireworks going off in my head, I was so so happy. But did he really mean it. What if this was a joke? Surely it wasn't.

'If you are messing around with me-'

'I would never. I mean it.'

What if he was only asking me because we were just friends. What if he was only asking me because he thought I wouldn't get a date, and he couldn't get a date and- just ask him I told myself, ask him if he wants to go with you as more than friends.

'Do you mean- as just- just friends? Or-'

The word stuck in my throat. Thankfully he helped me along here.


Yes. He said it like he was telling me he wanted to go as more. Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes forever.

'Yes. Yes yes yes yes so much yes.'

I had a wide smile on my face, I felt like it would never come off. He looked like he was close to tears, grinning so much it looked like it hurt.

We had already paid so we stood up together and left, both beaming.

'To Madame Malkins?'

He asked.

'To Madame Malkins.'

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