Chapter 34- Quotes

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7th April 1977

*Sirius POV*

I cried myself to sleep that night. I was sat next to him, his still, almost lifeless body, clutching his hand tightly in mine, and I sobbed. I might loose him, and I couldn't loose him. It would quite simply drive me insane. I would still have Peter, and James, and James was a brother to me, as was Peter, but it wouldn't be enough to fill the hole in my chest where Remus once was. I imagine the same would be true if I lost either of them, but right now I might loose him, and if that was to happen- oh, it's not worth thinking about.

The next morning, I only left his side for a couple of minutes, to get the book. The book of quotes that I had given him less than a month before. And I read it to him. I hated reading, but I read to him, out loud.

'The world is full of wonderful things you haven't seen yet. Don't ever give up on the chance of seeing them.'

I felt yet another lump in my throat, and a resentment for the boy, asleep in the bed, who had tried to give up his chance.

'I promise.'

Remus had stirred, his voice was weak, a struggle.

'Remus, Remus, don't ever do that again.'

I felt a tear run down my cheek.

'Please. I love you, you said you would never leave me. Please, never leave me, stay with me?'

'Until the very end'

He reassured me, looking tired.

'I am so so sorry Sirius. I really am. And I promise. I will never leave you. I just thou-'

'Remus John Lupin, if you are about to say that you thought I wouldn't love you anymore, you are wrong. I am fine, and I will always love you. Until the very end. Just get better, okay?'

He nodded.

'What page are you on?'

I looked to the page number.

'One hundred and ninety-four.'

He smiled.

'Turn over the page.'

So I did. And as I read the quote to myself, silently in my head, he said it out loud.

'Never is there more noble a person, than he who cares for others, at the risk of cutting himself on their broken pieces. G.H'

I looked up at him.

'You are the noblest of people Sirius. Thank you for that. You were my Great Perhaps, and my Perhaps came true. Thank you.'

I grinned, and I felt myself blush slightly, and he smiled back.

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