Chapter: 1

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I know that the opening won't be that good but please try to bare with it it will get better.

(Crystal's POV)
My life was not the best growing up but I do have say it was better than now. I lived hated by the other villagers except for my older twin brother and our father. It seemed that they all thought I was some kind of demon that was going to kill them. The reason being that on the day my brother and I were born, our mother died. If it had only been giving birth that killed her none of this would have happened but that's not exactly how it went.

When my brother was born everything seemed normal. My mother was in a lot of pain but that was natural considering. But when I was born things... Changed. My mother had only just gotten my name out when she let out a god full scream. Everyone panicked not knowing what was happening. Then she was still. Her screams had stopped and the room was quiet other than the cries of my brother coming from the other room. Mother's body went cold and tuned to ice. Then she shattered like dust into nothing. My father did not speak neither did anyone else. I myself hadn't made a sound sense I had come into the world. The doctors at first thought that I was a still born but then they saw my eyes. The pail crystalline blue looked around the room searching. The doctors gave me to my father and left without a word. My father looked to where my mother had been. "My love, what did you do?" Father then left the room to find brother and my life began.


Years passed and the others kept on hating me. Me and my brother never really seemed to leave one another's side and I was glad to have him with me at the very least.

The day looked like any other. We were walking down the street holding hands and looking at all the shops and what could be found within them. Then there was panic. People rushed the streets screaming and dashing like wild. My brother held me close to him as I shook in fear.

Big explosions racked the world around us and brother took off running, still holding tight to my hand. We ran as the sky turned red and the demon appeared. We ran through the burning streets fear pumped through our veins making us run faster.

A loud thunderous roar ripped through the air and the ground split open beneath my feet. I dropped down but my brother still had a firm grip on my had keeping from falling into the pitch black abyss below. Tears strep led my face as I held on to my broth's hand. He was trying to pull me back up but it was clear that he didn't have the strength. Then I noticed that he was starting to slip down with me.

"Gray! If you don't stop you'll fall down with me!" I screeched at him knowing what it meant. He didn't listen and kept trying to pull me up.

"Gray please stop!" I begged him and still he didn't reply. Then I became an eerily calm. I reached up my other had and put it over his.

"Gray, I want you to know no matter what, I love you." I smiled my widest despite my tears. "Thank you for being my big brother."

Them I let go and started to slip.

"No Crystal! Stop!" He screamed desperately, tears plaguing him as well.

I smiled at him sadly as my had left his and I dropped. I could still hear his shouts calling out to me and I cried more knowing this would be the end and that I would never see him again. Then it all went black.

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