Chapter: 6

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I shielded my face from the blast that shook the large room. I looked up to see the fairies standing in what had used to be the doorway now burnt to a crisp. The pink haired boy seemed to be the cause of the blast and he was standing in front. When the pink haired boy finally seemed to notice myself and the mistress he charged but the mistress was fast and quickly cast a spell. In the blink of an eye I found myself restrained by a magic circle and heard the mistress call out.

"If you don't want anything to happen to this rat you won't make another step."

The fairies froze and looked on with caution. They didn't want to harm me but sadly with the way this was going one of us would have to. The mistress stepped up next to me with what looked to be a new collar in hand. It looked different from the others I had seen on the girls and myself before.I saw the mistress grinned evilly and a could feel dread crawling up my spine. 

"I do detest getting my hands dirty but you have caused me quite a bit of problems. Lets see how you fair against this rat." 


I know, I'm evil. Sorry. ;p

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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