Chapter: 5

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The Fairies and I formed a plan best we could and I went out to were we all slept leaving the fairies to plan out the rest. I hoped that they could save the girls. We only had one shot at this and I would probably die win or lose. I made it to the lower level and all the girls went quite when I walked in. They all looked at me and I smiled as wide as I possibly could.

"Dany did it."

With those three words the girls erupted in cheers of joy. The hugged each other and danced around the room. I watched from the door and waited for them to calm themselves. Some of the older girls who were around 14 and 15 noticed that I wasn't done and brought the attention back to me. I combed my eyes over everyone and explained the plan and what we had to do.

"The Wizards are going to confront Mistress tonight so we need to start moving now. First we need to remove all of your collars off. Then there will be some of the wizards outside the gates waiting for all of you. They will take care of you. I'll expect the oldest of you to look after the younger ones. Those of you with magic will feel a surge of power. If your in danger, use it. Let's get moving."

I moved to the center of the room. I had to get their collars off or none of this would work. I placed to hands on the collar around my own neck. I pushed as much magical energy to my hands as possible. I ignored the stinging promise of pain coming frame the other limiters on my wrists and then the collar shattered. I smiled for a moment in victory before pain burned my wrists to my very bones. I fell to my knees and squeezed my eyes shut. The pain was less without the caller and I felt some of my magic energy surge through me. Some of the girls came to my side to make sure I was okey. I sat up and looked around the room.

As I got to my feet I built up my energy. Some of the girls stepped back with wide eyes but I hardly noticed when all I once I send out shards of ice hitting each of their collars. Exhausted and my body wracked with pain, I fell to the ground breathing hard.

For a few moments no one moved or even breathed. I pushed myself off the ground as my muscles screamed in protest. Then the girls rejoiced. The younger and some of the older ones began to hug one another and dance around the room. I was able to move into a sitting position on the floor and looked up at them with a tired but happy smile. I was able to get onto my feet after some of the girls saw me struggling and helped me. They all got quiet as I stood again.

"Now you all need to go. We don't have much time."

The girls looked at each other then back to me. They were all free but I could see it was dawning on them that I was still the only one in restraints. They had only collars and now they were gone but I had many shackles still on my wrists and ankles. I wasn't going to be leaving any time soon and they knew that now. One of the oldest Marie stepped forward from the crowd.

"What about you?"

I smiled sadly and shook my head. I would have to stay. This was my fait. I could no longer access my magic to free myself and my physical strength was wearing thin. Many of the girls called out in protest. They begged and pleaded for me to come with them but a grim look came to my face and I held my ground.

"No. I still have things to take care of here. All of you are going now, out the south gate. Go."

All the girls hesitated but slowly left. Once they were gone I collapsed onto the ground. I didn't have much strength left. However I was not done yet. Then the call bell rang. The mistress was looking for me. The time had actually come. It began to sink in that this might very well be the end of me but I pushed all of the fears away. I rose to my feet again and made my way to the ball room.

She was standing there in the center of the room with her back to me. She turned and looked me over. A sick smile twisted its way onto her face and I felt my stomach turn sickeningly. She faced me fully and my eyes lifted to the magic whip in her hands. Before I could blink pain lashed through my body with every swipe. I fell to the ground and screamed as the dark magic burned and wrapped around me. Tears streamed down my face. I fell to me knees and when silent. My head slumped and I could hear the clacking of her heels when she walked closer to me. She grabbed my chin her hand and harshly jerked my face towards her so I was looking at her.

"You actually thought that you could just escape and let all those little rats run free. You really are stupid aren't you?" She shoved me away making me hit the going harshly and sprawl out on the floor. "It doesn't matter in the long run really. I can always get more rats and you will have to sit and watch as that get twice the pain you do."

Tears filled my eyes. Had I really failed? Where were the FairyTail wizards? I didn't know. I wasn't strong enough. Father, Brother, and Opal would all be ashamed of me. If I still had my magic, maybe I would stand a chance but I was weak.

"To think that you thought that you could take me on all by yourself. Utterly ridiculous."

Then it dawned on me. She didn't know about the FairyTail wizards. I still had a chance. I began to laugh on the ground like a madman. Mistress tuned to me with a harsh glare.

"What is so funny brat?!"

I pushed down my giggles and moved my body to face her. My grin stretched over my bruised and battered face in pain but it hardly mattered.

"Nothing much really, but I didn't come alone."

Then the large wooden doors blasted open in a fiery passion. Both mine and the Mistress's head snapped towards the blast one it cleared and there standing in the burnt doorway was the Wizards from earlier. FairyTail.

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