Chapter: 3

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I held both of my hands over the magic collar around the little girl's neck. I was straining against the magic blockers on my own wrists, ankles, and neck. I knew that once I did get through there would be only a terrible pain awaiting me but this was our last chance. I had to do this. I pushed myself harder and pushed my eyes closed further. Then I heard something shatter.

I stopped the magic flow and opened my eyes to see Danny with a shocked look touching her throat where he collar was only a second ago. I smile slightly exhausted before the pain racked through my whole body making me scream out in agony. The older of the girls rushed over to me but they knew that they could only wait for the 'punishment' to take its course.

Finally when the pain stopped I could hardly move but I was alive. With some help I was able to sit up and looked over to Danny who looked to be scared out of her mind. I moved closer to her and pulled her hands into mine.

"You're gonna be fine baby. Just do like we planned and go find some nice wizards to help us. Okay?"

She nodded and I gave her a weak smile. That's all I could do before I passed out.


It's been a few years since I was kidnapped off the streets after Opal left. I was sold off like an animal to a very fancy looking woman. I was apparently her first buy in the triad. She would brag on and on about how she was going to build herself a large luxury hot springs to be run by only the most beautiful and young of women. I thought she had a mind like a big full of cats. Her plan didn't even make that much sense but that did not stop her from building her dream and buying up all the cute little girls that would suit her fancy.

At first when I was bought by her, I fought with every breath. Then she began the torrtcher. She would never leave a scar in a place that could be easily seen but under my elaborately placed kimono were more scars than I thought skin. I hated,  the woman. I hated what she did but I was trapped. She placed this magic limiting shackles on my throat, ankles, and wrists. All of the other girls had shackles but they only had collars.
All of us worked like slaves, because that's what we were. I made a decision that fist night other girls were taken. I was going to protect them and one day get them out of this place. My life lost all of its meaning a long time ago.

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