Chapter: 2

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The next thing I can remember is being somewhere warm. I wondered if I was dead but then thought 'If I'm dead, why do I hurt all over?'.

I struggled to open my eyes but managed. Looking around I realized I was in a cave. I looked down at my body to see it wrapped in bandages and I was covered with a warm fur pelt. Confusion filled me as I looked around the cave that sheltered me. Other than the large bed thing I was on and a small fire in the center of the room, there was nothing much in there. I stayed looking around unable to move because of the pain until a figure came into the room.

At first I stayed frozen unable to move or speak. I don't really know how to describe the flood of emotions that filled me at the sight of the shimmering crystalline blue dragon.

(Crystal POV)

I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. As a child I had heard so many stories about the mythical creatures, but never had i even imagined that I would ever see one with my own eyes. I debated laying back down and pretending to still be asleep but that went out the window when I locked eyes with the scaled beast.

"So you are awake child, good. I was beginning to worry."

"Who? What? How? Y...y...yo...your a..."

"A dragon? Yes."

"But I thought that dragons were..." I trailed off quietly, not sure how to finish the statement.

"Well yes, you don't see many dragons anymore, but I promise that I won't eat you or anything." The thought of being eaten hadn't yet crossed my mind but fear roused in my mind at the new prospect.

"Yes I had my fill of humans just the other day, so your safe until at lease dinner time."

Of course the dragon was joking but that never occurred to my young mind, causing me to go pail and freak out.

"Child, I was joking. Please calm down." She sounded worried so I tried my best and was able to clam myself. She was good to me.

For the next few years I stayed with her. She told me her name was Opalescent and I thought it was a funny sounding name. She taught me ice dragon slaying magic and raised me until one morning she just vanished. I cried. I don't know why she left and I may never know but after a week of waiting for her to come back I packed all of the supplies and headed off out into the seemingly endless snow. I when in the direction that I remembered Opal saying a town was. I didn't know how far it was but my other choice was to starve to death because I couldn't freeze.

I made it to a town after three days and began looking around. I found a nice shelter for people who didn't have houses and stayed there for the night. That night I began to wonder what I would do now. I pushed the sad thoughts away and fell asleep dreaming of my days that I had spent with my brother.

I woke up with a start as someone was shoving a cloth in my face and dragging me away. I tried to call out or fight back but my eyes had already begun to droop when one of the men hit me hard in the back of the head.

I woke up in a cage all by myself. That was the beginning. Now I'm nothing but a slave. I don't have any real hopes of escape but even if I can't ever see freedom again, I wouldn't let that happen to the other girls. It was time for me to be strong.

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