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Maddie's POV

I sent it to Meg. After all she is my friend. She needed to see this. Maybe she would understand more than I do, she may know more aabout this than I do. What does the word "Mate" mean to him. I know animals have mates that's the only thing I can think of. What does Jake mean about Meg being his mate, his connection. It just doesn't make any sense. Why does Duke even care about Meg. Does he have feelings for her? Just using me to get to her. None of this makes sense. There's me thinking Duke may be my next boyfriend...


I screamed one more time. I so hate him at this moment in time. God knows what he is going to do to Duke. He could end up with a black eye thanks to me. I am so dumb when it comes to fights; I always get involved at the wrong times or I just stand there. I looked around in his car in interest. It looks brand new. Looks like he's got rich parents to help him get in with the crowd. The seats are leather and extra comfy. I laid back and relaxed. All I could do was wait for him. Seen as he's got the keys. I pressed some buttons on his dashboard until the radio turned on. Kerrang radio. Am I really dreaming this. He listens to the same music as I do. Or was this just to impress me. Maybe that lunch he found out what music I liked. Or there may be a chance that this is him behind closed doors. I don't know what's right or wrong about him anymore. Just then my phone bleeped. I searched for my phone. I then realised that I didn't have my phone Jake did. I looked around thinking it may be in the car. I looked out the window it was there flashing. I signed. Jake need's to hurry up and get back to this car. I waited for an hour I checked the clock every couple of minutes. Practice would be over and my dad would be worried sick. What is taking him so long. I hope he hasn't hurt Duke bad. He shouldn't really seen as he is his best friend that what just makes it even more confusing. I then saw him appear around the corner looking riled. I looked for bruises then blood on his face even though he had his head down most of the time. At least I know the fight didn't get out of hand. I signed contining to look around the car so he didn't notice my hard stare. I could feel my blood boil ready to have a argument with him. He smiled when he saw me which was a huge improvement from what he did look like. He looked down at the ground and saw my phone smirking waving it out in front of me. He picked it up then headed to the driver's side. What is he doing? Is he letting me out or not? I signed. He opened the car. I opened the car door. I was about to get out when he grabbed my arm rather harshly and out of the blue..

"I'll take you home". He said.

I brushed his arm off and got out of the car. I held my hand out for my phone.

"It's fine i'll walk home". I said. He signed.

"I said I would take you home so get in the car, Meg". He shouted.

I shivered at his tone of voice. I jumped back in the car and still held my hand out. He gave me my phone. Then he pulled my headphones out of his pocket.

"Thanks". I said.

He nodded. He then put his seat belt on and started up the car.

I put mine on shortly after. He watched me put it on for some reason. He then reversed out of the car park and then out of school.

"Do you know where I live?" I asked. Stupid question of course he did. He nodded. I signed loud enough for him to hear.

"You should text your dad to let him know your safe and on your way home". He said.

"Yeah, I will". I said.

I unlocked my phone and saw I had one message. A video message at that. I smiled. It was from Maddie. It will be something funny for a guess so I plugged my headphones in and pressed play.

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