Chapter 8

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I run my hand up the barrier, collecting the bits of red magic left behind by its mysterious weilder.

I gather it all in my hands and stare at it in wonder. It's not just any magic. It's Dragon magic.

"Another Dragon," I say in a wistful voice, "I'm not alone anymore."

We've never met someone else who is a Dragon. I was starting to think we were the last. Comments Marissa.

"I wonder if they are nice, the shifter and their Dragon." I say quietly, to no one in particular.

Then an unwanted thought creeps up and my tan skin pales. What if they figure out who we are and try to notify the council of our existence?

Suddenly the once happy and joyous feeling of finally having the chance to meet another shifter turns to one of terror.

I stand there thinking about what I should do. Unable to find a solution for my problem, I decide to just go on with my day for now.

I hold my hands near my face, the magic shimmering in the light. Calling forth some of my own magic, I lightly blow on the magic. It slips off of my hand and catches a breeze, mixing with the wind as it dispersed.

After that is taken care of, I walk back inside and take a quick shower.

Walking down several flights of stairs, I brush the knots out of my damp, colorful hair and put the brush away. I make my way into the kitchen for breakfast. I stop in the entryway and look around at the disaster that aunt May has turned the kitchen into. Empty bottles of beer, vodka and other such items are littered around on the counter and floor. There is a shattered vase on the floor and the flowers that it had been holding are scattered across the, now wet, wood floor with the sharp bits of glass. The fridge is wide open and the food has all gone bad. Trash and dirty dishes are laying around on the counter as well.

I sigh as I take in the mess. "I hope she didn't find her drunken way into any of the other rooms; this is going to take forever to clean up."

Turning to my right, I open the cleaning closet door. Grabbing a broom, dustpan and new garbage sack, I begin to clean up the floor first because I don't want to risk stepping in glass and I'm too lazy to grab some slippers.

The glass makes tiny clinking sounds as I sweep it onto the dustpan and pour it into the trash.

Around twenty minutes later, I finally finish cleaning the last of the trash and glass up off the hardwood floor. I walk over to the still open fridge with a trash bag in my hands and clean everything out of the fridge. Carrying the bag to the counter, I put all the empty bottles into it and set it down while I put all the dishes into the sink.

I grab a dry rag and use it to sweep all the trash and such into the black bag that I'm holding in one hand. Afterwards, I wet the rag down and wash the marble counter.

As I begin thinking that I'm done, I turn to the stainless steel sink and remember that I still have the heaping pile of dishes to do.

"Why can't she clean up after herself?" I ask in a dejected voice with my arms hanging limply at my sides and my head hung forward.

Shuffling my feet over the floor, I make my way to the sink. Around fifteen minutes later, I have unloaded the dishwasher, put the clean dishes away, refilled it, and hand-washed and dried any dishes that I couldn't fit into the dishwasher.

I glance around the kitchen to make sure that I've cleaned everything up. Seeing nothing left to straighten up in the kitchen, I make my way through the rooms that aunt May usually uses. To my relief, the other rooms are still untouched.

Eager for breakfast, I skip back into the kitchen and open the fridge, only to remember that I had to throw out all my groceries.

"Looks like I am going grocery shopping today." I mutter as I get on my red and black shoes, grab my keys, wallet, light jacket, and sunglasses.

I pull the hood over my head and put on my black rimmed sunglasses before I walk down the porch stairs to my twilight-blue Camaro.

I drive it up to the large, metal gates and put in the code. The whirring of metal gears can be heard as the gates slowly open outward.

I wait for the gates to open wide enough that I can get through, and start my drive down the road as the gates automatically begin to slowly close again.

Should I grab some stuff for the entire week or just today? I wonder to myself as I speed down the road. I'll just figure it out when I get there.

I pull up to the marketplace and park in an empty space near the entrance before I make my way inside.

As the door swings open, I hear the quiet chime of a bell that signals whenever the door is opened.

An older man, who is probably in his sixties, smiles warmly at me in greeting. "Hello dearie, how are ye t'day?" He says in an old, raspy voice.

I smile back at him before answering. "I'm doing better now that I've stopped by."

"That's good." He pauses for a moment, seemingly in thought, before asking me another question. "Say young lady, don't ye have school today? Ye aren't a skippin' classes are ye?"

I shake my head slowly from side to side. "No, sir. I'm just taking the entire day off from school, not skipping a class or two." I say with a little bit of laughter in my voice. He's one of the nicest people in town, at least to me he is. He has always treated me like he really cares what happens to me. He's always been there for me, even if he doesn't know what's wrong, he is still able to cheer me up.

I admire him because of this. He knew that being kind to me would cause him trouble, but that never stopped him, he did it anyway. He has always defended me, no matter the trouble it brought him.




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