Ch 4.

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I think I made you guys wait long enough that 1 month wait I'm sorry.
"Hobi~ how is your morning?"
"Its going alright. I guess just almost got caught again last night by my dad. But my sister saved me again. How is yours TaeTae?" Hoseok responded putting some books away.
"Ohh, I'm sorry hyung. I bet I can make your day better though..." he responded with giant rectangular smile to the elder.
"How is that Tae?" Hoseok asked catching onto the other boy seeing his hand behind his back. Soon an envelope was infront of his face.
"It's from pledis high." Taehyung explained
"This can wreck or make me Tae..." Hoseok whispered

"I really doubt you didn't get the position to be the dance teacher." Taehyung shrugged

"Give it to me then and then we can see." Hoseok held out his hand
Taehyung handed the envelope to Hoseok quickly watching as the biker ripped the top. Slipping out the folded paper opening it up.

"I-I got it..." Hoseok whispered in shock

"Told you Hobi. Congratulations! Let's go celebrate tonight with kookie and Jin." V cheered jumping onto Hoseok's back as they chanted their way through the hall. Honestly if you asked Hoseok he would say his feelings were mixed right now he is happy he made it and all. But he can't race now that he has a job. If he can't race he can't see Yoongi. Who hasn't left his mind after last night.
"guess what hyungs!" Jimin yelled tugging and yanking onto Namjoon and Yoongi's backpack

"What?" Yoongi yawned

"I got accepted to be a dance teacher assistant at pledis high." Jimin

"Congratulations Chim-ah, no surprise you are a creative dancer." Namjoon praised ruffling the boy's hair waiting for Suga.

"Congratulations Chim" Yoongi said rubbing his eyes a bit.

"Thank you, Wait doesn't your brother go there Yoongi - hyung?"

Suga nodded a yes

"Do you think he will join? I could always drop him off after."

"Tch, that brat moves just as much as I do how is he going to sign up for a dance Class." Yoongi sneered

"We should celebrate huh Namjoon! At that one coffee shop by the rink" Jimin planned out. Yoongi nodded in agreeement as Jimin began to talk about Namjoon ' dancing skills
Yoongi was happy Jimin made it but Jimin was his racing buddy he found out all the events for Yoongi if he didn't have Jimin who does he race with...
"Hello Mr. Jung..." The maids all bowed to greet him then scurried off to finish work.
"Is my son home yet?" He asked one of the maids closer to him.
"Not yet sir..." she responded with a bow. Mr. Jung huffed out annoyed.
"When can he just not bike for once and come back home!" He yelled walking to his office at the end of the hall.
Opening the door he saw letters on his desk he filed through them until he saw one with a familiar name

"Hope, when does the class start?" Jungkook asked biting into a spicy chicken Wing.
"Aishh... next week" he responded drinking his water
"Ah! Hobi hyung I'm so happy for yo-" V was cut off by the bell on the door and all the girls sighing.
*ding~ ding*
"Hoseok look it's that biker from last night." V pointed over
"Wait the one that beat Hope?!" Jungkook remembered Taehyung's story. He stretching a bit out of his seat to see over V.
"That one kid is with him too." Jungkook slumped back down only to get pulled up by waiter Jin.
"Don't slouch" Jin said walking off to greet the new customers
"Namjoon, celebrating something or visit?"
"We're celebrating Jin." Pulling Jimin infront of them.
"Hey looked it's Namjoon hyung." V waved. "We're celebrating too!"
Could have been Hoseok's imagination but it looked like Yoongi froze on the spot when Hoseok turned around also.

"Namjoon hyung," Taehyung called them over this time "bring your friends over to sit with us."
Namjoon simply smiled and nodded looking back over to Jimin and Yoongi gesturing for them to come when they didn't he went behind them pushing them over making them walk in the direction to the table of friends as both jimin and Yoongi hesitantly went.
"Hey guys," Namjoon greeted "This is Yoongi and jimin" Yoongi sat down avoiding all eye contact as he shyly waved as Jimin happily waved. "Yoongi hyung and Jimin that's Jungkook, Taehyung, and hoseok." Jungkook rolled his eyes as Tae had his familiar rectangle smile and Hoseok stared at Yoongi. "What are you guys celebrating for?"
"Hoseok is going to be the dance teacher at pledis high school." Jungkook answered wiping his hands on a napkin. Jimin gaped a big smile forming on his face at the information.
"Really!" Jimin beamed "I'm going to be the assistant Dance teacher!" Hoseok looked towards the red/orange haired boy smiling
"That's great to hear jimin," Hoseok said "I hear a lot of people in the dance studio always talking about your amazing dances I can't wait to see them." Jimin nudged Yoongi making him look up.

"Y-yeah... Jimin is a really amazing dancer." Yoongi spoke up making everyone turn to him in surprise

"You can talk!" V exclaimed "I told you he could talk, Hoseok."

"So he can talk," Hoseok said giving Yoongi a smile. "Since you can talk you can tell a lot about your bike then huh?"

"The only thing about my bike that helped was the fact that it had wheels and a throttle," Yoongi stepped up his talk seeing that Hoseok was very comfortable to be around "everything else was the rider himself."

"Race me, Yoongi hyung" Hoseok said "just us two."

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