Part Three: Boys

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I'm quite good at playing games.

I don't like them (as a matter of fact I hate them) but I've been playing them long enough to have become quite adept.

That said, there are some games that boys play that I will never understand.

Recently I met a boy who acted the part of liking me. He texted me, asked me out on dates, even kissed me a few times. I wasn't sure how I felt about him but I was willing to see how things might work out.

That is, until I discovered last Wednesday that he and a friend had simply made a bet to see which one of them could sleep with me first.

(Note that I said "first". Meaning that if one of them had won, the other would still have tried to sleep with me anyway,)

Understandably, I was quite angry.

This anger was intensified by the fact that as soon as I left the party we were all at, he proceeded to make out with my best friend (not the first time a guy has done this to me).

I think this might be the reason I like gay boys so much. I mean, in the first place, I have trust issues anyway, and they're the ultimate in unattainable - I can't have them, so it's okay to fall a little bit in love with them. They can never break my heart.

But also because, for some reason, gay boys differ from straight boys in this fundamental way - they seem to be intrinsically less cruel. Obviously we're all human and we're all prone the occasional bout of meanness and insensitivity, but these tricks and mind games seem to be pretty much entirely in the domain of the straight boy.

I don't know. I believe in true love and soul mates (really) and obviously he wasn't mine. I remain ignorantly, stupidly hopeful :D

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