Breakup/ He Cheats On You

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"May I know what were you doing with Lauren when you were supposed go to a party with me?"

You asked, spitting out the words.

"Babe we were working on a song. Then things got out of hand. I'm sorry if we couldn't go to the party"

He said moving towards you to hug you.

"It's not about the party Dalton!
You have been spending much more time with her...when you should be with me"

You said almost screaming.

He tried to hug you.

"Don't touch me!"

You said pushing him away.

"She is damn songwriter! Besides I love you not her"

He said before walking out on you, leaving you all alone, fuming.

How dare he walk out on you!

You grabbed your jacket and car keys and darted straight out of the door, banging it shut on purpose.

You plucked in the key and engine roared to life.

You saw Dalton running out of the door shouting your name.

You ignored him and drove away.

You didn't know where to go.

You drove over to Mackenzie's.


He answered the door.

"Hey y/n. Come in"

"Hey Mackenzie. I know it's not a great time to drop by"

"Come in. Y/n you know you are always welcomed"

He said hugging you.

"You don't look fine.... Where's Dalton?.... Did you guys fight?"

He asked, judging the look on your face.

"Mackenzie... We did..."

You said sobbing in his neck.


He said consoling you.

"What happened?"

You began sobbing even harder.

"Shhh... It's gonna be okay..."

"He...he slept with Lauren..."

You said in between the sobs.


He said taking your hand.

You had never seen Mackenzie so angry.

He had been your best friend since first grade.

He couldn't see you cry.

His soft features marred by anger.

"Where you taking me?"

"To give a therapy"

He put up an iron dustbin on top of the island table.

He lightened a candle placing it on the table.

He went to his garage and brought out Dalton's posters'.

"Burn them and dump it in the dustbin"

"But I can't...."

"You can. You have to. It's a therapy. You deserve better"

He handed you a poster.

You burned it using the candle.

You liked how the flames were licking the poster and turning it to ash.

After burning around five posters you felt the burden lifted off your shoulders.

You could breathe much easily.

You sat on the cold floor, in Mackenzie's arms.

You felt all the tears drying.

You couldn't cry anymore.

You heard the doorbell.

Mackenzie got up to answer the door, helping you on the couch.

Dalton came and sat in front of you.

He held your hands.

You couldn't look into his eyes.

"Y/n... I'm sorry..."

He said sobbing.

"I know it's a really small word... And it might sound hollow to you... But.... Please"

"Dalton what you did is unforgivable..."

"Please... I beg you... Please don't do this to us..."

You risked looking into his grey eyes.

They say eye is the window to the soul... I could see how sad he was. How badly he wanted to undo this all.

"Dalton I need time to think it all through"


He said bursting into sobs which raked his entire body.

Dalton Rapattoni ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora