Vampire Pt. 2

283 10 6

Dedicated to michaelandluke12

Hope u lyk it!


"Its okay. You are safe"

You struggled to open your eyes.

Each ray striking your pupil piercing like a glass shard.

You winced in pain as you struggled to get up. Your back hurt like other parts of your body.

You remembered jumping into the creek to get away from your abusive boyfriend.

From the news you read in the newspaper, no one had survived a fall in the creek. It was so deep and flow so fast.

You took in the face of the person who saved you.

He was young, almost a year or two older than you, with beautiful grey eyes and an angelic face.

"Am I alive?"

You asked staring in those eyes.

"What makes you think so?"

He asked chuckling. His chuckle sounded like jingling of bells, soothing to the ears.

"Angels only exist in heaven"

You said without thinking.

"I am not an angel. I'm a..."

He trailed off sadly.

"You pulled me out?"

"Yeah. I did"

"I'll go get you some food"

You nodded.

You settled by the creek waiting for him to come back.

You heard shifting of branches and rustling of leaves.

You turned around to see three figures.

"He brought a human"

One of the guys smiled at you.

Despite his angelic features his smile was purely evil.

"She smells tasty"

The second guy said flashing his fangs at you.

"We'll share"

At once you knew they were vampires who were now preying on you.

If all the movies and novels were to be believed, they possessed angelic looks with super human strength and speed which made them lethal.

You knew you stood no chance against them.

You put your limits to test as you ran towards the jungle screaming for help.

You were fast but they were faster and stronger.

They pinned you to the forest floor as you screamed and thrashed to free yourself.

"Please let me go"

You screamed as tears rolled down your face.

"Not until we render you as dry as an empty vessel"

The guy holding you down smirked.

He bent down burying his face at the side of your neck. Sniffing your neck as his hands pulled your hair. His face was freezing cold against your warm neck sending shivers down your spine.

He began licking your neck, his tongue drawing bizarre patterns on your skin as you squirmed underneath to free yourself.


He remarked as he began sucking at your skin with his lips, still not using his fangs.

"I can't believe Dalton wanted this antique wine all for himself"

"Will you stop pleasuring your prey and get the work done!"

The other guy said angrily.

"You know its my habit. But as you like it"

His fangs pierced through the delicate skin of your neck as he began feeding on your blood.

It was the most excruciating pain. It felt like millions of small red hot needles were being very slowly pulled out of your veins, giving each needle enough time to tear whatever piece of cell it came in contact with. 

You howled in pain wishing for your death.

"The more you resist, the more it'll hurt. Just let go"

One of them said soothingly in your ear.

But the pain only got worse.

You began loosing consciousness as black stars danced around your eyes.

Suddenly the pain was gone only to be replaced by freezing coldness that too flowing in your veins which transitioned to burning hot sensation.

You screamed and gasped for air, clutching at the forest floor underneath.

You forced your eyes open to see Dalton fighting them.

You wanted to tell him to go away but you had lost your voice to the pain.

They'll kill him, these were the last thoughts before you lost consciousness.

You felt the pain ebbing away piece by piece as feeling of relief washed over you.

Your eyes popped open to see Dalton wiping his mouth.

His mouth was full of blood.

It hit you then that he was a vampire.

Then why didn't he kill me?

You thought to yourself.

You looked around to find three headless bodies lying.

Dalton had killed the guys to save you.

"You saved me?"

"I cleansed your blood of the venom. You will be fine in some time"

"You are a..."

You trailed off.


He supplied.

"How did you stop from draining me?"

"I can never hurt you"

His eyes held so much promise.

Without a second thought you kissed him.

Dalton Rapattoni ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora