Self Harm

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This part contains written material on issues like self harm, and strong use of language. If you are sensitive to such topics please don't read.

Reader discretion is advised.


People change so fast, at times faster than the seasons.

How could she back stab me?

All this time I had been counting on her, while all she did was back bitch about me that too to my boyfriend!

You thought to yourself.

Your best friend since kindergarten had back bitched about you to your boyfriend Dalton about the party last month in which you had got drunk beyond senses and almost kissed Mackenzie believing him to be Dalton.

But Mackenzie had stopped you and instead got you home and narrated the entire scene to Dalton himself.

Next day when you woke up realising your party antics you had begged Dalton for forgiveness.

"Don't worry angel you didn't do anything.... But promise me that you will never get drunk because I don't want you to regret anything."

He said kissing your forehead.


You had whispered, smiling like an idiot.

"And whenever you plan to get drunk make sure that I'm around so that I get to hear all that dirty talk which you did with Mack believing him to be me"

He had said smirking, while all you could do was blush.

But after almost two months she had brought up this topic to sow the seed of suspicion in Dalton's mind that you were cheating on him with Mackenzie.

Even the thought of it was gross!

You were upset, so you went online, which was the worst decision ever.

Your Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and every other social platform was overflowing with hate comments from fans.

Comments calling you ugly, slut, whore, hoe, attention seeker, clingy bitch and every insult possible.

How could people judge without knowing someone?

By the time you had read fifty hate comments and God knows how many more, you began sobbing.

You had that sinking feeling and felt like someone had plunged a dagger through your chest, piercing your heart and cruelly yanked it back, leaving a gaping hole there.

You grabbed your chest as you felt your heart aching and somehow you didn't feel like living any more.

Nobody likes me not even my own best friend.

You searched for Dalton's shaving kit and pulled out the razor.

Without a second thought you sliced your wrist, once, twice, thrice, until the pain became unbearable, and began howling in agony.

By the time you had sliced your wrist seventh time, the bathroom floor was covered in red.

You liked how each drop trickled out of your vein, rendering you lifeless each passing second as your heart beat ceased slowly.

You lost consciousness.

"Is she okay?"

You heard Dalton's voice.

"She lost too much blood... But she is stable now. Few more minutes and we would have had lost her"

You heard the doctor say.

You opened your eyes, taking in the view.

You were lying on the hospital bed, with a blood drip attached to your hand, your hand draped in bandages.

"She is awake. You can meet her"

"Thank you doctor."

Dalton said, before taking a seat next to your hospital bed.


It was all he could manage, choking on tears.

"How can you even think of leaving me?..... What about love?.... What about the promises, the vows, the kisses, the hugs?.... You were about to take it all and leave me nothing...."

"How could you be so selfish?"

He said sobbing, his facial features tormented by agony he was going through.

The beautiful grey eyes, now, vast ocean of destructive waves.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry"

You said, lifelessly, trying to take his hand.

"Promise me that you will never self harm or try to kill yourself or else I'll kill myself because I don't want a life without you"

"I promise"

You said crying and internally cursing yourself for being so selfish.

He planted a soft kiss on your cheek, brushing away the tears.


P.S. please never self harm or attempt to suicide because there will always be a way out.

It's not an escape but rather closes all the doors of opportunity.

Always remember every cloud has a silver lining.

So we when you feel low listen to a really awful song, then you will realise who should quit, you or the singer.

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