Bad Dreams

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Chloe POV

"Guys, err are you hungry" I asked. "Yeah I'm so hungry, why" asked Joe. "Come here" I said, pulling him by his hand. "Oh My God Chloe you made Shepard's Pie" he said. "Caspy... Chloe made food". "What" Caspar said. "Look" I said pointing at the pie. "Pie" Caspar screamed, running past us. "Thanks for bursting my eardrum Casp" I said, serving up the food. "Yeah mine to" Joe agreed. I laid out the food and then we dug into our food. "MMM" Joe said. After we ate as I washed the dishes, the boys watched some of The Ring. "Guys, why have you started watching The Ring without me" I said. "Because you were taking too long. We were getting bored" Caspar said. "No Caspy, you were getting bored. I was fine waiting" Joe corrected Caspar and sat down next to Joe. "Thanks Joe" I said smiling whilst ruffling his hair. "Oh thanks Chloe you have given me weird hair now" Joe said looking at me. "But the hair is so amazing" I said. "I guess" he said.

"Chloe goodnight" Joe said. "Night Joe" I said. "Night Casp" I yelled. "Night" he shouted back. I was soon asleep after Joe shut my bedroom door.

~~~~~ NightMare ~~~~~

"Get off me" I said screaming. "No I want to know" Joe shouted. "Know what?" I asked. "Your secret" he said. "What secret" I said. "This one" he said splashing me with a cup of water. "Joe" I said. I started to run for the door but Joe locked it and then I transformed. "Oh My God Chloe" he said. "I'm going to tell everyone to come see you". "No Jo-" but before I could finish. I tried to get rid of my tail with my heat power but it had stopped working. "Here look" Joe said pointing at me. Every single youtuber looked at me and laughed. I felt so ashamed. "Joe why the f**k did you do that" I asked tears slipping down my face. "I needed to know" he said. "Why though I'm not mad about you wanting to know but why did you have tell everyone" I said. "I don't know I just too over excited" Joe said. "Joe you have to go down there and tell all of them not to tell anyone about me" I said. "Ok" he said. He started to walk out but then he turned around and said to me "you are an horrific friend and you are even uglier as a mermaid" and then he stamped on my tail and slammed the door.

~~ End Of Nightmare~~

"Arghhh" I screamed drips of sweat slipping down me. Then Joe ran in. "Chloe, Chloe" he said. "Yeah" I replied. "Are you alright?" he said

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