Thirty Six

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~A month and a half later~

"Are you sure you're ready to go back to school tomorrow?" Jack asks me that night, helping me from the car into his house.

"Yeah, I guess. I have to go back eventually right?" I laugh.

It was the week after Thanksgiving break, so I missed quite a bit of school.

Jack always jokes that I'll have to repeat my senior year of school, which I hope isn't true because then we'd have to hide our relationship longer.

Which is something I really don't want to do.

Anyways, Jack had opened the door to his house and led me inside.

My parents had officially pissed me off, so I moved back into Jack's house.

Jack stayed silent and walked with me up to our room.

"You know you don't have to go back, right?" Jack presses further.

"Yes, I know Jack." I sigh, rolling my eyes.

Jack sighs to before turning me around to face him and saying, "I just worry about you. Ever since you told me about the gang, that's all I ever do, worry about you. I just want my baby to be safe."

I smile up at Jack before lightly kissing him.

"I'll always be safe, as long as I'm with you. How many times do I have to tell you that?" I chuckle.

Jack hugs me before laughing.

"Come on, let's go to bed." 


The next morning, I woke up before Jack so I could take a shower. 

After my shower, Jack was awake, so he took a shower while I got dressed.

I quickly changed into a loose blue t-shirt, black jeans, and brown combat boots.

I didn't feel like putting my contacts in or doing my hair, so I just wore my glasses and left my hair in it's natural state.

I went downstairs to start breakfast as Jack got dressed and ready upstairs.

I decided to just make toast and eggs, since it was quick and easy.

Just as the toast popped out of the toaster, Jack walked into the kitchen.

He kissed my cheek as I was finishing the scrambled eggs and took the toast out of the toaster.

"Thank you." 

Jack nods his head in response and got us each something to drink.

After we ate breakfast, we headed off to school in our two different cars.

A few days after I made the decision to move back in with Jack, he bought me a blue 2016 Chevrolet Camaro so I didn't have to wait for him after school and there would be less of a chance of us getting caught together.

I park in the student parking lot and make my way into the school building.

Multiple people say hi to me and asked how I was doing as I made my way through the hallways to Brittney's locker.

I replied each time by smiling and saying, "Hello, and I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

My story was I had a really bad case of the flu and almost had to be hospitalized because it was "that bad".

But in reality, Alex, the gang's doctor, just wanted me to stay at their house so he could monitor my burns as they healed.

During the time I spent there, Jack and Brittney were with me every day after school and on the weekends.

While those two were at school, however, I spent time with Brittney's brothers Aiden and Nate, getting to know them.

Now, the three of us are almost as close as Brittney and I are; we text and talk constantly.

"Welcome back!" Brittney laughs as I reach her locker.

I roll my eyes and lightly shove her shoulder as she shut her locker door.

"It sucks to be back." I reply, laughing.

Brittney and I make small talk until we get to Jack's class.

We smile at him as we enter and he returns it before going back to most likely preparing today's lesson.

As the bell rang, Brittney and I took our seats and turned our attention to Jack, as he started talking about today's lesson.

/// Sorry for this reaaallllyyyy boring part but I wanted to update. I had a little writer's block for this part so that's why it took so long. I also would like to tell you all that I posted a new story. It's an Anakin Skywalker fanfiction(I know I'm obsessed, don't judge lol) and I would really appreciate it if you would check it out and let me know what you think. I know I only have one part up, but I was planning on putting up a second part later today. I'll be working on both My Teacher and the Anakin fanfic at the same time, just as a warning. So please, please, please read the first part and let me know what you think of it, it would mean a lot to me. Anyways haha, please vote and comment on this part as well :)

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