Chapter 4

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"hello love, im harry." he said in deep, dark, raspy, seductive voice.

"h-hi harry, im ally." i said studdering. i sound like a fucking idiot!

"Ally. that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. would you like to be my gym partner for today?" he asks looking me right in the eye. god he was beautiful.

"sure harry, i would love too." i say smiling.

"excellent." he says smiling

"HAVE YOU ALL GOT YOUR PARTNERS? GOOD! GREAT! LETS GET GOING! WE WILL BE GOING OUTSIDE FOR TODAY!" this guys is weird. he is really loud and annoying,

we all walked outside, harry right by my side. we looked at eachother every once in a while. stealing quick glances and getting caught looking at eachother.

"OKAY GUYS. FOR THE FIRST ACTIVITY, IM GOING TO NEED YOU TO GO WITH YOUR PARTNERS. PLEASE BE MATURE ABOUT THIS, THE PEOPLE WHO HIDE WILL NEED TO STAY TOGETHER. I DECIDED TO MAKE TODAY A REALLY FUN GAME DAY SO YEAH! THIS IS KIND OF LIKE HIDE AND SEEK BUT A LITTLE DIFFERENT. WHO WOULD LIKE TO HIDE?" he continued to explain the rules of this game that 7 year olds play, we are in 10th and 11th grade! really, but i like the idea of holding hands with harry if we are it.

"NO ONE WANTS TO BE IT? I WILL PICK THEN. HEY YOU IN THE BLUE SHORTS. YOU GUYS ARE IT!" i looked over at harry uncomfeterably and he game me a small smile. i was nervous. harry and i walked over to the teacher and he explained to us. we have to go hide somewhere while the other kids do push ups. we have 50 seconds to hide. so we run over to the woods and we hid behind a tree that had a big rock next to it.

"harry i don't want to sit on the ground. ugh."

"here,love. sit on my lap?" he said sitting against the rock with his legs out on front of him.

"uh-i uh."

"sorry did i make you feel uncomfterable? im sorry love."

"no harry its okay, i- thanks."

i sat down on harrys lap and leaned back into his chest. he felt so warm, and he smelled really really good. he brought his hands to mine and enveloped my small hands in his.

"you know what, love?" he said whispering into my ear.

"what is it harry"

"i think you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen." i blushed. did he just call me beautiful again?

"oh-um thanks harry, it really means a lot." i say putting my head in the crook of his neck, i felt really comfeterable with him, there was just something about him.

"not that im enjoying this but i think they are going to find us soon. we can continue this later maybe? my place? we could watch a movie and get to know eachother?" he said whispering.

"id like that."

*later after gym class*

harry and i exchanged numbers and he told me to meet him at his house at 7:30. i was all smiley and i told everything to riley, and then Amanda and Sammi! Apparently Riley liked niall and something was going on there.

before i knew it the school day was over and it was time to go home. i saw harry on the way home from school. he was on the opposite side of the street, we kept staring glances at eachother and then smiling at the ground. i made my way home and walked through the door to be greeted by my mother.

"sweetie! how was the first day?"

"it was realty good! im tired im going upstairs to rest."

"alright sweetie."

then it dawned me. what am i going to tell my parents?


oooohhhh haha! what do you think guys?

please comment and vote and leave feedback :)

Ally x

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