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Phildo💅🏻: wtf

Peeb&j: IT LIVES

Phildo💅🏻: I just got woken up by all of you hoes texting square up

Jishwa👕: you're too smol to fight wyd

Phildo💅🏻: tru

Phildo💅🏻: so I have a question

Chriszizzle: do tell, my dearest Phillip
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Phildo💅🏻: so I met this boy on kik and ngl he's a solid 10/10. Would suck that dick if I could

Phildo💅🏻: point is is that I want to get to know him better so how do I approach him without seeming like a fuckboy

Phildo💅🏻: bc he kind of already thinks that I'm one oops

Peeb&j: idk man. Maybe just talk to him and make the conversation all about him. Ask him questions and get to know him. See what you have in common.

Jishwa👕: did...did pj just...say something logical?

Chriszizzle: the government has been telling us lies.

Nudes, please? ✄ Phan [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now