Chapter 1

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--- Rileigh-Wade Maraj

Hi, I'm Rileigh-Wade but most people just call me Wade, I live in Los Angeles, California but I wasn't born here. I was born in Saudi Arabia but my Dad was African American, my Mom was Arabian. My Mom left me the day after I was born, my Dad's original plan was to leave me and Mom but she beat him to it. After that, Dad was furious and left me in the waiting room.

All I remember after that is that I went to an orphanage and got adopted when I was two months old by Onika Maraj but her stage name is Nicki Minaj. Yeah, being a celebrity's kid isn't bad, she actually makes me feel loved, like a real mother. I consider her as my real mother, so anyways let's move on.


I woke up in my pajamas, I'm so tired from last night at the VMA's. I also had a nightmare about Miley Cyrus's performance. But I'm not going to judge her, she's just trying to find herself like every other twenty year old. But today's Fashion judgment on E! was not to so good when she was the subject.

I woke up and put on some clothes. I chose a black crop top with the word "Dope" on it, some white skinny jeans, and some black supras. I put my wavy black hair into a side pony-tail, I grabbed my phone and backpack before heading downstairs.

Mom was talking on the phone with producers as usual. Not that much different from every morning, I grabbed a granola bar and began to eat it. After I finished, put the wrapper into the garbage and grabbed my backpack. My driver, Burt was probably already outside. Burt is my driver since I don't have my license yet. I got into the car and put a Drake CD in the radio. I always listen to Drake on the way to school, I love his songs and Burt doesn't seem to mind, sometimes I hear him mumbling the lyrics to "The Motto" which is my favorite song.

As soon as I buckled my seat-belt, Burt got in the car. He cranked up the car and Drake music started blasting. I smiled to myself as I quietly sang the lyrics to myself as I played temple run. The perfect mix, Drake and my iPhone!

After awhile he pulled up to my school, Filmore High School. I got out of the car and walked through to wooden double doors. I walked toward the bench where Nala Pattson and Mia Delros sit. We've been best friends ever since sixth grade, I can't imagine life without them unless it involves an apocalypse. I sat down in between them as we scanned the girls as they walked by.

Lot's of mini dresses and Jordans. That's all I can see, I'm getting sort of tired of the trend. I like people who have a trendy and original fashion sense like Mia. Mia had her dark, Spanish and African hair into a neat sock bun, with an graphic tee shirt, followed by dark washed and bleached distressed skinny jeans, and black calf high fringe boots. It's middle school meet high school, a trend that's probably going to come after they start dressing like me.

The bell rang just as we were about to get up off the bench. I then walked to my locker, I better hurry and get to class. I just stuffed my bag into my locker before grabbing my Math book. Sadly I have math this year. But oh well. I walked to my class where Mrs. Bullshit or as she likes to call herself Mrs. Bullit was practically frothing at the mouth. Chresanto probably did something to set her off, Chresanto is a bad ass but I love him, we've been friends since we were in diapers.

I walked over to the desk next to Chresanto and he smiled. Mrs. Bullshit finally stopped glaring at Chres and turned her fat butt to the board. I swear, she totally got butt implants. She was so flat that she didn't even know what twerking was last semester. But now she looks like she been twerking for a long time.

"So, is that guy real?" Chres asked.

"What guy?" I asked confused.

"You know the guy your Mom is dating?" Chres asked.

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