Chapter 4

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---Sadie-Garrett Graceffa

I was in Daniel's cherry red convertible, I felt slightly uncomfortable as Daniel pulled up to his house. Are his parents home? I see two other cars, I think his parents are home. How are we going to have sex if his parents are home, I'm already nervous about Daniel seeing my naked body, how will I feel if his parents see. I guess, that is just a risk I'm going to have to take.

"You nervous?" Daniel asked.

"No, not at all." I lied.

"Are you a virgin?" Daniel asked.

"No, but this is my first time." I said truthfully.

"Okay, I'm not used to girls that aren't loose but I can work with you." Daniel said before exiting the car.

I opened the passenger side and stepped my feet on the pavement. We walked up the porch stairs, once we reached the top Daniel pulled out his house keys. Here we go, Daniel opened up the door. As soon as we stepped into the house, I swore I saw my life flash before my eyes.

A woman with shoulder length dark hair greeted us.

"Hello, I'm Justine and are you Daniel's new girlfriend?" Justine asked.

"Mom were just buddies." Daniel said rudely before yanking me upstairs.

Well, I feel kind of bad just running up the stairs like that with Daniel. Especially since the lady was so nice, but I guess that's life.

Daniel opened the door to what I assumed what was his room. Posters of girls on motorcycles filled his walls. I shivered at the thoughts this boy must have. Daniel stripped to his boxers and walked over to me. I started to panic, I looked for the nearest door and fled to it. I swung open the door and locked it. I looked around at the clothes, jackets, and shoes. This must be his closet.

I heard a slight knock on the door. I crouched down behind a wrack of clothes. I can't do this, I'm too vulnerable, too innocent, too afraid. I heard the knob twist before it opened. I quietly peeked out from behind the wrack of clothes.

Daniel was fully clothed with a confused look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked, moving the clothing wrack from my view.

"Um yeah, I was just warming up." I lied.

"Um okay." He said as he took off his shirt and leaned his body against mine.

I felt chills rush down my spine, it's really happening. He stripped me of my clothes and left me in my under-garmets. I felt uncomfortable since I don't really even have a flat stomach. When he wasn't looking I tucked some of my stomach in my underwear.

Daniel backed us up onto his bed and started to take off my underwear. I resisted the urge to scream for help. Daniel forcefully bent me over and took off his boxers. Out of the moment I started to cry, because I knew it was going to hurt.

Without warning Daniel thrusted into me, I felt the tears roll down. Pain ran through my body before a small sense of pleasure came flooding through. It was sort of numb and I was still crying. After he stopped I noticed I was bleeding a litle. My hymen probably broke. I went back into his closet and used a random towel to wipe up the minimal blood. I slid on my clothes and walked out of the closet with my backpack slinged around my shoulder.

"See you tomorrow." I said weakly as I walked right out the door.

I had tears streaming down my face and I was still a little sore. Daniel followed behind me and we went into the driveway. We got into his car and once we settled, we drove off down the road. I felt so sore from my first time and I felt like something hs been taken away from me. I don't know what was taken away from me but I sure, felt empty. Like a tube of your favorite lip gloss.

"Where do you live?" Daniel asked.

"North-West neighborhood just drop me off at the gates." I said.

"Hey this super hot girl, Wade lives in that neighborhood would you mind hooking me up with her?" Daniel asked.

I almost gasped, he had sex with me and he's asking me to hook him up with Wade. Believable, I have to get it in my brain that i'm only going to hit it and quit it, that's the name of the game! Remember Sadie!

"Um, sure." I said as we pulled up to the gates.

I got out of the car and entered the code. The gates opened as I walked into the neighborhood. I walked through grassy yards until I reached our house. I walked up the porch stairs and used my house key to unlock the door. I stared at the clock which read nine fifteen. Damn! I knew it was too dark outside to be five.

I was about to sneak through the living room when I saw, Wade, Dad, and Nicki all sitting on the couch staring at me.

"How nice of you to join us." Wade scoffed.

"Sadie where were you, Me, Nicki, and Wade have been worried sick!" Dad yelled.

"I was at a friends house." I said as I looked down, I noticed a bright pink condom was stuck on the thigh of my jeans, oh crap, I tried to discreetly reove it but Wade caught me.

"What is that your removing from you jeans?" Wade asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"Show us." Nicki barked.

"Yeah show us this nothing." Dad yelled.

I put out my palm to show them the condom. Dad had a priceless look on his face, I have never seen him so dissappointed and angry.

"Up to your room and put all your electronics in Wade's extra empty close tuntil we think of something." Nicki said calmly.

"But I don't to!" I shrieked.

"Should have thought of that before you started to be slutty." Nicki said in her thick accent.

I ran up the stairs and flew into my room. How dare, Nicki call me a slut, she has like Double D boobs. I don't know where she gets her bra's and how can Wade even be her daughter. Wade looks nothing like her and I' m pretty sure Wade still wears A's sizes in bras.

I collected my electronics and ran up the spiral stairs that led to Wade's room. I opened the door and looked at her room. Pink and Purple everywhere. I decided to put it in one of her drawers, so maybe since she has so much stuff  that she won't notice.

I opened the top drawer. It was flooded with underwear  obviously from PINK at Victoria Secret. I closed the drawer and just dumped it in her closet.

I don't care anymore. I'm just a slut now, like everyone says.

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