-Ch. 40-[x]

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≈∆ Siobhan ∆≈

I felt the breeze as Reyna dropped us both two storeys to the ground. I was sure she was going to hurt herself and as I waited for the impact of the ground on my body, it never came. Just a swift and smooth landing. I was devastated to be honest. I'd rather be dead than be tortured by Reyna.

Oliver's screams of my name rang out in my ears but I was too weak to call back. I was too drugged up to even lift a finger and Reyna was running fast, making her shoulder dig hard into my stomach.

I let out a cough and Reyna stopped abruptly.

'I hope you're not awake you stupid girl.' She muttered.

I wasn't. Not really. I was conscious, just not respondent. I heard the slide of a van door and moments later I was thrown inside. I barely registered the pain of my head connecting with the other door. A baby's cry rang out from the front seat and confused thoughts swarmed in my head. A baby? What baby? Whose baby?

'Aw my Orla girl. Don't cry. Mommy's here.' Reyna cooed.


Her child.

Darren's child.

She and Darren's child.

I felt nauseous. My eyes flew open at the last minute to catch a psycho mother lovingly embracing her innocent baby, who didn't know what she was in for.

The door slid shut.



I knew where Reyna was going to before I even started chasing her. The old playground some few blocks away, where I had taken her first kiss. I didn't know why she was headed there, but I knew that was were she was going. I told Siobhan's dad to come there with the police just as he called them and I ran off, chasing Reyna until my lungs screamed for mercy. I hid in an alley, so she would think she lost me. Then I caught up to her finally.

I chased Reyna to a white van parked some blocks away from our apartment, to the old playground away from the nearest living space. I rounded the corner and saw her holding her baby close to her. I grit my teeth in annoyance. That baby was too pure for this life she was thrust into. I would do anything to bring her out of her crazy mother's clutches. Siobhan's dad had called the police and they were on their way. In the meantime, I was supposed to distract Reyna. Help the police do half of their work, I'd fight her till she was down.

'Reyna.' I thundered, revealing myself.

A look of surprise was etched across her face. She didn't expect me to have found her especially after she thought she lost me a few blocks ago. She calmly opened the driver's seat and dumped her baby on the seat. I growled in anger. That's no way to treat a child.

'You can't even treat your own child well. You aren't fit to raise her.'

Her face morphed into one of anger. 'You aren't one to tell me how to raise my baby , my love.' She yelled hysterically.

'You clearly aren't doing a good job , you aren't one to raise a baby either.' I shot back.

'Oliver leave. It's over, I'm going to kill your little girlfriend.' She spat angrily.

'Reyna don't do anything you'll regret.' I said.

Each of my words was punctuated by a step I made closer to her.

She whipped a gun from her back pocket
'don't come closer my love. I wont hesitate to kill you.' She said, her voice shaking slightly.

'But you want me.' I said simply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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