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Dress above

'Alex , move over!' I yelled.
He mumbled some incoherent things.

My head was killing me due to the hangover I had and Alex didn't make it any better by flinging himself on me.

A phone was ringing somewhere in the room and even though it was next to quiet , I felt like it was blaring in my ear.

I rolled off the bed , ignoring the wisps of my fake platinum hair in my mouth and went towards the direction of the ringtone.

When I finally found it , I answered the call without looking at the caller ID. And if it was my own , I wouldn't know because I hadn't checked that either.

'What?' I spat into the phone.

'Alex.' A familiar male voice said.

I racked my brain for the source of the voice. Who it was from.

'Alex , its Oliver.'

God dammit it's Oliver.

Ω Oliver Ω

'Alex do you have a hangover again?' I asked , not quite believing it. Its fucking seven thirty in the evening. Your day drinking antics are really disgusting.'

'I-its not Alex.' The person at the other line said.

I frowned. 'Then who the fuck is it?' I asked. 'Look person , I need Alex right now.'

'He isn't here.' The person said.

'Then where the fuck is he then?' I asked them , angry. The fair was getting rowdy now that everybody was going to the Town Hall for the crowning of the Fall Monarchy.

Basically , what happens is that the Fall King and Queen would be announced and then there will be a parade where they go on a float to be shown through the whole city. Then next year they would be the ones crowning the next queen and king.

It's a really serious Jefferson Tradition. The king and queen get a contract and everything.

Its very unnecessary but Jefferson is a very funny town.

'He just...isn't here.' The person said.

I let out a frustrated sigh.

'Um okay then. When you see him tell him I called.' I said. 'Who is this please?'

'It's... Vivian.' She said.

'Alright...Vivian. Thank you.'

I wasn't convinced.


Phew. That was close.

If my brother had known it was me , I don't know what I will do.

But I know what he would do. He would beg me to come home. Where our... father is.

I still have the nightmares about that man I used to call Father.

His dark looming face, his cold blue eyes; It all was so real in my dreams, like a fresh scar.

The phone call was like a not so fun version of the ALS Ice bucket challenge. It made me realize how much I missed Oliver and I knew he beat himself up everyday thinking that it was his fault that I 'died'.

He already hated Darrel , it would be much worse if he knew what he did. I knew what I had to do at this point.

I walked to the bed and slapped Alex awake.

That's My Bad Boy [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now