Chapter 11: There illness

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''In other news a car crash has taken place downtown late last night with what is believed to have been a kidnap as investigators working with the DragonDoor police have released information on  a young man by the name of Daniel Spencer was taken from the wrecked car and put into a van driving down to the river banks

Daniel was driving back from a funeral of one of the victims of the fatal shootout near the DragonDoor university a month ago and we believe that the reason of the kidnaping has something to do with the recent kidnappings around DragonDoor.

More on this incident later''


It's 11pm and staying awake is becoming a challenge but i need to be awake for Jack. Hutt hasn't left his side and Alex, Josh and everyone else from the funeral and DragonDoor are out searching for Dan and i would be as well but Alex insisted that i should stay just incase he wakes up.

Hutt is asleep in the chair with his head resting on jacks arm and i can imagine the position that he is in cant be very comfy. ''Hutt come on wake up'' He slowly raises from his chair and his back cracks in quite a pleasing way then he rises slowly and makes his way out of Jacks room and to the coffee machine in the canteen down stairs.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of the events that have happened in these last few months starting with the arrived of jack to the fact I'm in a hospital at 11 pm and watching over his critically injured body.

Other people from the university have come and said there wishes and prayers to him but there is one person i have not seen here.....his mother i mean i saw her at the funeral of David's but she hadn't been here and the crash has been on the news all the time giving people updates and trying to find Dan. I gently rub his paw and i feel tears starting to form and i lower my voice so just me and Jack can hear '' so sorry Jack you never deserved this all you wanted to do was be like everyone but no one let you and because of that.......we could leave you too'' my vision becomes blurry from the tears and i collapse resting my cheek on his paw and stays there with him until i fall into a guilt ridden sleep.


Its 11:30 pm and me and josh just got back to mine from searching all day for Dan and even though i i could sleep standing up at this point i just can't sleep the nightmares are too clear and the sadness is too much for me to handle but i would be a lot worse if josh wasn't here with me.

''hey I'm going to make some food and then go bed ok'' Josh has passed out on the couch so i leave him there for now and slowly dragged my near unconscious body to the freezer to see what fat and un healthy shit i can throw it down my neck and at least get some sleep.

'' ohhhhh fuck it i will have it'' I pull out a ready made meal that scares me to think how long it has been there and prepares and puts it in the microwave making sure it is on 3 minutes. As the poor excuse of food slowly spins in the microwave i creep to my bathroom and wash my face sighing as i look into the sightly dirty mirror.

After washing my face i creep into my bedroom and gently push the door three quarters of the way shut and takes off my blood stained tank top and begin to pull out the thorns and glass from my chest with each one oozing blood out and runs down my chest staining my fur.

I take off my shorts and my boxers and begin to pull out the glass from my leg and wraps my thigh and from my back to my abs in bandage making sure all the wounds are covered then slowly slides on a new pair of boxers and shorts then goes to the kitchen catching the timer just in time and gets my steamy hot pile of crap from the microwave.

the cute part about this is as i removed the food from the microwave joshes nose started twitching and i think i sent him into a food coma so i put it on the side and half it then wake him up gently rubbing his back and taking a seat next to him in the couch.

Josh moans but gets up slowly and notices the food which causes him to spring into action and immediately begins to eat wagging like a lost was sooooo cute. ''thought you might be hungry heheh listen I'm going to go out in a few hours and keep looking ok I'm checking the forest next just in case there is anything i can smell or if his scent is there'' I rub my fingers through his back fur slowly making sure each finger gets a lot and starts to curl them around making him even cuter especially since he has red fur .

He giggles and wipes his mouth before pulling me in and kissing me......i have been waiting for this i embrace his lips and feel everything around me stop then we depart and he continues eating  so i start to eat mine.

We are all so worried for Jack as it looks bad and recovery will take a long time but i think the his mental state is worst as he might of seen Dan get taken and now he is immobilized and un able to even speak......that's why we will go find him no matter what time no matter what day or the whether we will be out there until he is back in the arms of......wait are they a thing ......i look at josh who is obliterating the meal but stop myself as i know he barely knows any of them so the fact that if i don't know then there is no way he does.

We finish the dinner and josh goes into the bedroom to go catch some of the sleep that had been torn away from him and i go into the bathroom so josh cant hear and call the one person i know for sure if they was a thing.....Katy.

''come on Kat pick up pic....'' it cuts to voice message so i leave a message. '' hey uhh ass Kit Kat its me Alex uhh i was just thinking about the day and ummm i just wanted to know if Jack and Dan was uhh a thing i mean you know how i am with things like that as in i totally suck at seeing it but if they are then i need to know if they was serious or not.....thanks uhh see you later'' I push the end call button and turn on my lock screen slipping my phone into my back pocket and goes into the bedroom to try and catch up on my sleep as well.....i hope Jack pulls through and i cant handle the fact Dan is still out there.....light go off and the sleep soon rolls in with the nightmares.


''i will never feel as though i will have to justify why i did it but if you must know i just couldn't handle seeing you with him and after i saw you go to his apartment and the cinema i couldn't let your illness spread to others i mean no one is a fag in this family and i cant have you going around with some asshole that thinks he can kiss you in public OR AT ALL and not face consequences so i being your father  done what any good father would of done and put two bullets in that prick and drag you as far as i can from him......don't worry you will be fine with always where ''


hey everyone i hope you enjoyed this chapter i really love writing this and not stopping anytime soon.

thank you for the wait and i also apologies for it as i have been so busy with exams and all the rest but here it is enjoy

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