Two teams

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"Aww man you beat me! Your really strong Aichi" Tatsumi pouted. "Hahaha thanks" Aichi giggled. "Alright the regional tournament starts in just a few days so we have to train hard!" Lawrence stated. "Then let's not waste anymore time Aichi fight me again!" Tatsumi challenged. "Alright!" Aichi smiled. Then they placed down their starting vanguards, shuffled their decks and drew their hands. "STAND UP, MY VANGUARD!!" They announced flipping over their starting vanguards. "Those two are definitely fired up" Kousuke commented. "Definitely. Hey Kousuke let's fight" Lawrence suggested. "Let's do it" Kousuke smiled. "STAND UP, VANGUARD!!" They announced and the battle began. The four of them fought until sundown. "Let's stop here it's getting late." Kousuke suggested. "Agreed. Hey Aichi ready to go?" Tatsumi asked. "Yeah! Thanks a lot for letting me stay with you" Aichi bowed. "No problem I can't just leave my teammate hanging right?" Tatsumi smiled. Aichi nodded. "We'll see you guys tomorrow" Tatsumi waved and then the four of them went home. Well Aichi went home with Tatsumi.

"I'm home!" Tatsumi yelled when he opened the door to his house. "Welcome back Tatsumi. Oh whose this?" A women asked. "This is Aichi Sendou a friend and teammate Mom" Tatsumi replied. "Hello it's nice to meet you" Aichi bowed. "I see nice to meet you two Aichi" Tatsumi's mom smiled. "Mom?" Tatsumi asked. "Yes?" Tatsumi's mom replied. "Can Aichi stay with us for a while?" Tatsumi asked. Tatsumi's mom was surprised and confused at the question and it clearly showed on her face. "Why Tatsumi?" Tatsumi's mom asked. "Well... Aichi has amnesia right now and can't remember his parents names nor where he lives. So I thought maybe he could stay with me for a while. Also Aichi was involved in an incident and ended up badly injured so I'm very worried about him" Tatsumi replied. Both shock and sadness was shown on Tasumi's mom's face. "Alright Aichi can stay with us" Tatsumi's mom smiled. "Thanks Mom!" Tatsumi smiled. "Thank you very much" Aichi bowed. "Alright Tatsumi help Aichi get settled and dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes." Tatsumi's mom stated. "Alright mom. Come on Aichi!" Tatsumi smiled.

"Alright Aichi this is the bathroom, this is the living room, this is the kitchen, this is the dining room, this is the basement, this is the closet and this is my bedroom." Tatsumi pointed out as he gave Aichi a tour of his house. "I like your house" Aichi smiled. "Thanks! Also you will be sleeping in my room so I'm going to set up a futon for you" Tatsumi smiled. (A futon is a type of Japanese bed) "Let's me help" Aichi smiled. "No it's okay I got it" Tatsumi replied pulling the futon out of the closet only to fall once it was out. "Hahahaha you sure you don't want help" Aichi giggled helping Tatsumi to his feet. "Hey don't laugh!" Tatsumi yelled. "Hahaha sorry hahaha" Aichi laughed. Then the two dragged the futon across the wooden hallway. Once they got to Tatsumi's room they sat up the futon on the ground right next to the bed. "Hey Tatsumi?" Aichi asked. "Yes?" Tatsumi replied. "What's team Asteroid like?" Aichi asked. "Hmm lets see they are very arrogant that's for sure. Especially their leader Ren Suzugamori. At least they have the skills to back up their bad mouths." Tatsumi replied. "I see" Aichi replied. "Hey wanna watch the previous national tournament?" Tatsumi asked. "Yeah sure! Let's do it!" Aichi smiled.

"Wow team Asteroid's really strong card fighters" Aichi stated. "Yeah that's for sure. But I know that we can win as long as believe in ourselves and try our hardest" Tatsumi replied with a smile. "Yeah your right!" Aichi smiled. "Hey Aichi let's Cardfight! We have to get stronger if we want to stand a chance against team Asteroid!" Tatsumi suggested. "Yeah I agree. Let's fight Tatsumi!" Aichi smiled. Then the two placed down the play mat on the ground, placed their starting vanguards on the mat, shuffled their decks and drew their starting hands. "Alright ready Aichi?" Tatsumi asked. "Yeah let's start!" Aichi smiled. "STAND UP, MY, VANGUARD!!" They announced flipping over their starting vanguards. "Tatsumi! Aichi! Dinner is ready!!" The two heard right after. "Talk about bad timing" Tatsumi stated. "Hahaha no kidding" Aichi smiled. "Coming!!" Tatsumi called. Then the two placed their hands down on the floor and headed to the dinning room for dinner. They ate sushi for supper. "That was delicious and I'm stuffed" Tatsumi commented. "Thank you for the food it was delicious" Aichi bowed. "No problem boys" Tatsumi's mom smiled. "Alright Mom Aichi and I are going back to my room okay?" Tatsumi smiled. "Alright" Tatsumi's mom replied. "Come on Aichi" Tatsumi gestured and Aichi bowed and left the room with Tatsumi. "What a sweet kid. Who on Earth would hurt such a nice little boy?" Tatsumi's mom wondered.

"Alright Aichi back to the battle" Tatsumi smiled picking up his starting hand. "Yeah let's go Tatsumi" Aichi smiled picking up his hand. The battle ended with Aichi winning. "Geese why can't I win" Tatsumi pouted. "Hmm wanna try editing your deck?" Aichi asked. "Hmm good idea. Come to think of it not to long ago I bought a few booster packs and still haven't opened them." Tatsumi replied pulling out the unopened booster packs. Then he took his deck and laid out the cards onto his desk. Then he opened the booster packs and looked at the new cards. "Hmm looks like I got some grade threes. So maybe I should switch out on of the copies of a grade zero unit and switch it in" Tatsumi muttered. From then on the two of them continuously worked on their deck until late at night. "Alright I think that's good. Let's fight Aichi!" Tatsumi suggested. "You got it!" Aichi smiled. "STAND UP, MY, VANGUARD!!" The two announce flipping over their starting vanguards. Then the two battled and battled until they both fell fast asleep.


"Hey Kai ready for the regional tournament?" Miwa asked. "Of course" Kai replied. "Typical Kai." Miwa thought. "Well anyway regionals are going to be soon, we should pick a team name." Miwa suggested. "The name of the team doesn't matter to me" Kai replied. "He's been like this since Aichi was murdered. I hope he's okay." Miwa thought. Then he spotted Saki and Haruki. "Hey you guys!" Miwa called. The two of them looked over and then once they saw Kai and Miwa they walked over to them. "Hey" Saki smiled. "Yo!" Haruki smiled. "Hey so do you guys have any idea on what to call our team?" Miwa asked. "Come to think of it we haven't figured out a name for our team now have we" Haruki replied. "Hmm no idea do you have one?" Saki asked. "Nope and Kai here doesn't care what the name will be" Miwa replied. "I have an idea!" Haruki smiled. "Really let's hear it" Miwa replied. "How about Cuatro Incendios" Haruki smiled. "What's that?" Miwa asked. "It's Spanish, it translates to four fire and fire does kind of symbolizes the Kagero clan,  and there is four of us" Haruki pointed out. "You've got a point" Saki replied. "Alright we are team Cuatro Incendios!" Miwa cheered. "Let's go to Card Capital!" Haruki suggested. "Yeah let's go!" Miwa smiled. "Alright" Kai replied. "Let's go" Saki smiled. Then the four of them headed to Card Capital.

"Alright Miwa let's fight!" Haruki suggested. "Yeah let's go!" Miwa cheered. "STAND UP, VANGUARD!!" They announced flipping over their starting vanguards. Kai and Saki watched their match. The battle ended with Miwa as the victor. "As strong as ever" Haruki sighed. "Hahaha well Kai's stronger than I am" Miwa replied. Then the four of them battled until Card Capital had to close and they were kicked out. "Well that was fun see you guys at regionals!" Miwa cheered. "Yeah!" Saki and Haruki replied. Then the four of them went home.

During the night...

"Kai?" Kai heard. He opened his eyes and immediately saw a flash of blue. His eyes widened when he realized who it was. "A-Aichi?" Kai asked. "Hey Kai!" Aichi smiled. "B-But how c-can you-I-I t-thought y-you" Kai stuttered. Aichi smiled and the started to fade. "A-Aichi?" Kai asked. Then he ran over to Aichi and hugged him. "We'll meet soon Kai" Aichi smiled. Then he disappeared. "Aichi!" Kai yelled and then he realized it was all a dream and yet he found that the dream had some sort of significance. "Aichi" Kai thought then he realized it was the day of the regional tournament and he got ready and left.

The end! Sorry for the wait I have just been a bit busy. Well thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the next chapter!!

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